Diego's Gift

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"Again!" Diego yelled.

Sarah helped him back to his feet after defeating him in their third duel in a row. She liked flustering him; he only seemed to drop his suave, cocky attitude when he was angry.

They were in the training grounds in the early evening. The interested crowd that had gathered to watch had all departed out of boredom or hunger. Sarah was with them. 

"No, Diego. I'm tired and hungry. I'm going in." She pocketed her wand and followed the last stragglers to the castle doors. 

Diego soon caught up with her, pushing his sweaty hair from his forehead and regaining his composure. 

"It's not my fault I can never beat you. Who wouldn't be distracted by your radiant beauty?" he asked. 

"Diego," Sarah warned. She'd lost track of the number of times she'd told him to quit flirting, but she may as well have been asking Tulip to quit pranking, or Rowan to quit reading. 

''I must figure out how to defeat you. You are damaging my reputation as the best dueler at Hogwarts!"

Sarah scoffed. "I know. I guess you'll finally have to admit that I'm the best dueler at Hogwarts." She didn't really believe this; but it was fun to wind Diego up. The best ways were to belittle his dueling and his dancing. 

Diego reeled back in shock. "Well, that's a challenge if I've ever heard one! Shall we settle this once and for all?"

"How so?"

"A duel, of course. Winner shall once and for all claim the title of 'Best Dueler of Hogwarts.'"

Sarah wasn't sure one more duel would make it any clearer, but she nodded. "Alright, when?"

"One month from today," said Diego. "That'll give me time to strategize and to learn to ignore your alluring eyes."

"Fair enough," said Sarah. "How about we make it more interesting?" She didn't really care for the title Diego had made up, but she might as well win something out the event. 

Diego smiled and rubbed his hands together. "Excellent. Name your terms."

"If I win," said Sarah, her brows scrunched as she thought, "I get your jacket." 

Diego clutched at his denim jacket. "Esperanaza?"

"You named your jacket Esperanza?" asked Sarah, stifling a laugh. 

"Yes, and don't make fun of her, she's sensitive. What do you want her for, anyway?"

"She's--it's your lucky dueling jacket, right? It should go to the best dueler." Sarah smiled smugly at him. 

"Fine," said Diego. Then, he too sported a nasty smile. "Well, if I win, I get...a kiss."

"Um, no."

"Oh come on," said Diego. "Just one kiss. Why not?"

"Well, for starters, I have a boyfriend," said Sarah. 

"It's not like it would mean anything," said Diego. "Are you that worried you'll lose?"

"Of course not!" said Sarah. "Fine, it's a bet. Say your goodbyes to Esperanza now, Caplan. Your days with her are numbered."

He smiled. "We shall see."

She left him to grab dinner. On the way to the Great Hall, she slapped her forehead, realizing what had just happened. Diego had manipulated her into making that bet, knowing she wouldn't be able to refuse the challenge. 

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