Love Potions (Pt. 3, End)

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Barnaby had barely entered the courtyard before he was accosted by Dylan. The boy grabbed Barnaby by his sweater and pulled him in so he could shout in his face.

"What did you do with Sarah? I need her right now!"

Barnaby pushed Dylan, forcing him to let go of the shirt and stumble back. "Why, so you can give her more of your love potions?"

Fear flashed across Dylan's face, before he composed himself. Several people were watching them now. "Why can't you just accept that Sarah and I are happy and move on? You're kind of being a stalker."

Barnaby pulled out his wand. Several onlookers gasped. "You and I are going to duel," said Barnaby, quietly enough that the people watching couldn't hear. "Or I'll tell Flitwick all about your secret stash."

Dylan gulped, then pulled out his own wand. "Fine."

Both boys raised their wands and the duel began. A couple of people screamed and everyone in the courtyard hurried to get out of the way, as spells ricocheted around the courtyard. Barnaby was already tired from dueling the acromantula, but Dylan was no match for him. He was about two seconds away from stunning the creep, when someone shouted "Expelliarmus!" and both boys' wands flew out their hands.

They looked around to see Professor McGonagall hurrying over to them, Professor Flitwick close at her heels with their wands in his left hand.

"Lee! Bailey! How dare you?" shouted McGonagall.  "Dueling on school grounds, endangering everyone in the courtyard...Come with us at once."

The boys fell into step behind the teachers, Dylan breathing heavily and Barnaby still fuming.

"They won't believe you, you know," said Dylan. "You're the kid who is always getting in trouble. I've never lost a single house point. They'll take my side."

Barnaby didn't say anything. He just stared at his wand in Flitwick's hand, wishing he could use it to remove Dylan's voice box.

"It's too bad," muttered Dylan again. "I was this close to cracking open Sarah's cursed vault, if you know what I mean."

Barnaby didn't know what he meant, but he understood the tone of his voice. Alright, forget his wand.

WHAM! Barnaby's fist connected with Dylan's jaw so hard, he felt the bone crack as his body slammed against the wall of the corridor.

McGonagall was shouting at them again, but they hardly even heard her. Ever since they met, both boys had been wondering the same thing, and now it was time to find out. Dylan may have been bigger and taller, but just like with the acromantula, Barnaby had a job to do.

Dylan was able to get in a few rib-cracking blows, but it wasn't long before Barnaby had him pinned to the ground. He'd won, but he kept punching until something knocked him back with such force that when his head slammed against the wall of the corridor his vision blurred.

Flitwick had cast a powerful shield charm, knocking the boys apart. "This is one of the most pitiful displays I have seen in all my time at Hogwarts," he said. "This is a school for learned wizards, not a pack of ruffians. Bailey, I'm surprised at you. Barnaby, you had shown so much improvement since you first came here."

Barnaby nearly said, "Yeah well, he deserved it," but stopped himself. He had absolutely no remorse for what he'd done, but he realized he was on very thin ice. If he didn't play his cards perfectly, he'd be expelled for sure.

"If you two can't control yourselves long enough to step into my office and tell us what happened," said McGonagall, "then we'll have Hagrid escort you down to Hogsmeade Station. Understood?"

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