Jae's Gift

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Sarah  was sauntering through the dungeons, her mind on the vaults as usual, when she ran into Jae. He came flying down the staircase and slammed into her, both of them crashing to the cold, stone floor. 

"Jae--" Sarah complained, but he had already sprang back to his feet. 

He rushed forward and lifted her to her feet with surprising strength. He shook her slightly, his eyes the size of rememberalls. 

"You've got to help me!" 

Sarah pulled herself out of his desperate grip. 

"We literally just got out of detention. How could you possibly be in trouble already?"

Jae ignored her. He yanked off his yellow hoodie, part of the white shirt underneath rising with it. Sarah caught a glimpse of the pale, toned skin of his stomach. She supposed running from disgruntled clients in Diagon Alley and the school prefects kept him in shape. 


Sarah saw yellow as the hoodie was forced over her head. It smelled a little of caramel and a little of sweat. 

As her head popped out  of the top, Jae spun her around and pushed. "Just walk away slowly," he said. "All I need is a distraction."

Sarah started to argue as Jae did his best to crouch behind the nearest brazier, but she stopped at the sound of loud footsteps clambering down the stairs and wheezing curses that could mean only one thing. Filch was on the hunt. 

Sarah pulled the hood over her blonde hair and attempted to walk calmly down the corridor. 

"You!" she heard Filch bellow. "Get over here! I know its you that's been smuggling screaming yo-yos into the castle!"

Sarah picked up her pace, hoping to lose Filch around a corner, but she stumbled to halt as Mrs. Norris darted back and forth between her legs, nearly tripping her. The cat attempted to herd Sarah back to her master like a sheep dog, and Sarah had to fight the urge to give her a good kick. 

She gasped as hand slammed down on her right shoulder, pinching it in a vice-like grip. 

"Got you!"

He turned Sarah to face him, his eyes going wide like an enraged abraxan at the sight of her face rather than Jae's.


"Oh, we're you talking to me?" she asked sweetly. 

Filch's yellow eyes narrowed. He never bothered to learn any of the students' names, but there were a few faces he recognized with double the animosity than the rest. Sarah's was one of them. 

"What are you doing down here?" he hissed. 

"Nothing. Just going on a lovely stroll."

"In the dungeons?"

"Yes. I...I find the cold darkness soothing."

Filch scoffed. He looked her up and down, his eyes resting on the pocket inthe front of the hoodie. 

"Turn out your pockets!"

Sarah had to swallow. "What?"

"Turn out your pockets."

Sarah hesitated for an instant, hoping against all reason that Jae would come to rescue her. 

He didn't. 

Filch shook her shoulder. "Come on, then!"

Slowly, Sarah reached into the pockets and pulled out three quills. They were small and gray, nothing noteworthy about them, but Filch eyed them with as much distrust as if they were poisoned daggers. 

"Those regular quills?" Filch asked. 

"I really hope so."

Filch snatched them from her palm.

"We'll see about that."

 He dragged her back along the corridor, probably to find a teacher who could examine the quills and punish Sarah if they turned out to be contraband. 

"Weren't you looking for Jae Kim?" she stammered. Filch looked at her curiously, so she clarified. "The boy with the screaming yo-yos? Wears a hoodie sort of like this one?"

Filch's head shot up and he scanned the corridors like a bloodhound on a fresh scent. 

"Where'd he go?" he snapped. 

"I saw him go into the kitchens," said Sarah. "Just a moment ago."

Filch let go of her at once and limped off as fast as his old legs would carry him in the direction of the kitchens. Mrs. Norris lingered, gazing at Sarah with those unsettling red eyes for a few seconds before trailing off after her master. 

Sarah wasted no time. She headed in the opposite direction, toward the stairs that would take her out of the dungeons. 

She paused for a moment at the brazier Jae had hidden behind. He was gone. He must have slinked away while Filch was accosting her. She was about to turn away, when she noticed a circular, green object resting on the base of the stone brazier. Sarah picked it up. It was a screaming yo-yo. Attached was a note. 

Thanks, mate. 

Sighing, Sarah crammed the yo-yo in her pocket and straightened up. 

"I'm keeping this hoodie," she announced to the empty corridor as she began climbing the spiral staircase. "Even if it does stink."


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