Penny's Gift

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Sarah searched the empty corridors frantically for Penny, dodging pillars of cursed ice as she went. She'd just been informed by Hagrid that the ice, previously contained in one little-used corridor, had spread to cover the entirety of the grounds.

If the curse on the vault was to be broken, it had to be now.

"Penny!" she called, finally spotting her as she emerged from the Potions Classroom. "Thank goodness you're alright."

Penny was holding some strange belt in her hand. It had lots of little pockets around it filled with different colored vials.

"Sarah!" said Penny. "Have you heard about all the students that got stuck in the ice?"

"Yes," said Sarah, breathing heavily from her panicked run through the castle. "That's why I came looking for you."

Penny nodded, her kind smile replaced with a determined frown. "Time to go into the vault."

"Not exactly," said Sarah. "Ben, Bill, and I are the only ones going into the vault."

"You don't want me to go with you anymore?"

"I do, but there are more students trapped in the ice than the teachers can handle. You and Rowan have proven you're skilled enough at Incendio to free the students without hurting them."

Penny nodded again. "So you want us to free as many students as we can while you're in the vault."


"I can do that," said Penny. "Here, this is for you," said Penny handing the belt over. "I made it. It's got all the potions I think you might need inside the vault. That's wiggenweld potion, that's a fire-protection potion, in case your Incendio ricochets, and this big one's strengthening solution..." she said, pointing to each of the vials as she spoke.

"What's in here?" Sarah asked, touching a small pouch hanging from the side of the belt.

"Snacks," said Penny. "In case you get hungry."

Sarah smiled. She still couldn't believe how quickly they had gone from the infamous cursed kid and the most popular girl in the year to best friends, but she was glad they had. Penny had been a source of comfort while Rowan had been in the hospital wing after being struck by cursed ice, and Penny was unspeakably kind, even for a Hufflepuff.

"Thank you, Penny," said Sarah fastening the belt under her cloak.

Penny gave her a hug. "Just be careful, okay?"

"I will," said Sarah. "I'll see you later. Hopefully, after we've broken the curse."

"I know you will," said Penny. "You're the hero of Hogwarts!"

Sarah rolled her eyes, then said goodbye to Penny and rushed off to meet Ben and Bill at the door to the vault. She gathered the courage that only her friends could give her.

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