Dragon Smugglers

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A/N: Special thanks to BuddyUnholly88 for the brilliant idea/suggestion for this story! 

                Dear Sarah, 

I sure hope this letter finds you before you leave. My brother Ron wrote to me about a problem I'm hoping you and Barnaby can help us with. Apparently, Hagrid finally got hold of a dragon egg, and about a month ago it hatched and is now reeking understandable havoc. 

Obviously, we can't get it without notifying the Ministry, and then Hagrid would be arrested. Outside of myself and my fellow dragonologists, there's no one I'd trust more with a young Norwegian Ridgeback than you two. 

I've told Ron to get the dragon up to the Astronomy tower at midnight on Saturday. If you could pick it up on your way to see me, it would save Hagrid from getting in a lot of trouble. I know its no easy to task, but if anyone can pull it off, its you two. 

See you soon, 


Sarah finished reading the letter out loud and then looked up to see Barnaby's reaction. His head was tilted in confusion. 

"But today's Saturday."

"I know, which means we've got until tonight to figure out how we're going to smuggle a dragon out of the country." 

"Hmm," said Barnaby, as if Sarah had asked what he thought of having for dinner. "I suppose it wouldn't quite fit in a fireplace, so that rules out the floo network." 

"We'll have to fly it out," said Sarah. "That's the only way to move something that large without the Ministry finding out. If we get caught transporting an illegal dragon, we'll be in as much trouble as Hagrid."

"But if it's a month old, it'll be nearly as big as this sofa." He patted the back of Sarah's couch, which he'd been leaning on as he listened to her read the letter.

Sarah nodded. "We'll need at least two more brooms just to lift it."

"I'll talk to Liz," said Barnaby, rising from the couch. "She should be home by now."

"Great, and see if you two can fashion a harness or something for it."

"Okay, but we still need one more person."

"I've got someone in mind. He's good on a broom and he has a...special appreciation of creatures." She shook her head. "That Hagrid. I can't believe the risks he's putting himself and us through."

"I know."

But when their eyes met, Sarah saw the same wicked glint in his eye that she felt in her own. It was about time they'd had another proper adventure.


"I don't like it," Liz squeaked again. She darted out of the living room and into the kitchen. Barnaby followed her. 

"Please Liz, I wouldn't ask if it weren't really important."

"I just got promoted at work! I don't want to be caught doing anything illegal. Can't you find someone else?"

"There's  no time, and besides, I don't know anyone as good with magical creatures as you."

He noticed her soften considerably at that statement, but worry still reflected through her large glasses as she looked up at him. 

"I'm not the best flyer."

"You'll be alright, so long as you can keep the broom steady. Sarah and I can take the lead."

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