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The artefact room was just as stuffy and dust-covered as it had been before the summer holidays. Still, Sarah couldn't help but smile fondly at the cracked skulls and molded bags of creature food, while Penny set up her cauldron on the floor. Sarah and her friends had held more secret meetings in this room than she could count. Huddled in this room, brewing a forbidden potion on their first week back, seemed like the most appropriate way to kick off her fourth year.

Earlier that morning, Professor Flitwick had announced that there were two spots available for the Frog Choir and that tryouts would be held next week. Tulip really wanted Sarah to join, because she felt her frog, Dennis, wanted to be in the choir and Tulip herself sang "like if a banshee and a mandrake had a baby, and that baby was tone deaf." But, Sarah couldn't decide if she wanted to join the choir.

"I can help with that," Penny had said enthusiastically during their Herbology lesson.

"Okay, want me to list the pros and cons and then help come up with the best option?" asked Sarah.

"I've got an even better idea. We can brew a potion!"

So, after lessons Sarah met Penny in the artefact room to help her brew the Potion of Preference, a concoction they wouldn't normally learn to make until seventh year. Sarah wasn't worried though; Penny could brew potions nearly as well as Professor Snape.

"Okay, because this potion essentially learns about you and determines what your true personal preference on a complicated matter would be, things like brewing time and quantities of ingredients will depend on you," said Penny. "So just make sure you answer as honestly as possible, otherwise the potion could go wrong."

Penny asked Sarah a series of odd questions, from whether she slept on her side or her back to if she felt more drawn to cool or warm colors. As Sarah did her best to answer honestly, Penny added a little bit of this and that to the potion.

"There," said Penny after a while. "As you are thirteen, we need to let it simmer for thirteen minutes before the next step."

"So, time for gossip," said Sarah.

Penny grinned. "You know me so well. So, I'd like to know what's going on between you and your new friend Barnaby Lee."

"Nothing, Penny. We're just friends."

"I don't know," said Penny sweetly, "you two have spent an awful lot of time together since you met last year."

"He's been a lot of help with the Cursed Vaults," said Sarah. "He saved us from Merula and Ismelda last year, and now, he's been helping me find my way through the Forbidden Forest to find the next vault."

"I think he has a crush on you," said Penny. "What do you think? Would you date him?"

"I don't know," said Sarah. "I enjoy being with him. We both like magical creatures, quidditch, and he's funny..."

"But..." said Penny.

"But, I guess I feel like I'd be more into brainy than brawny."

"I know what you mean," said Penny, "He's no genius. But, he's got this whole macho-tough guy thing going."

"I don't know if I'm always into that, either," said Sarah. "I mean, brave and strong is nice..."

"But so is sensitive and sweet," said Penny, nodding. "I know exactly what you mean. Oh well, we'll find someone for you."

Sarah rolled her eyes, but before she could reply, the girls were interrupted by the door to the artefact room opening. Barnaby stepped in, holding a box of peppermint toads.

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