Penny for your Thoughts

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A/N: This is from the point of view of Talbott Winger. 

Do stop staring like an idiot, Talbott told himself for the hundredth time that day. He still couldn't quite believe that Penny Haywood had been his date to the festival. How could the most popular girl in school be remotely interested in a bloke like him?

They left the quidditch pitch as dusk fell, not long after Sarah and Barnaby had been crowned festival ambassadors. His ear tingled when he remembered Penny whisper in his ear, "Want to find somewhere a little more quiet?" He'd been more than happy to agree. He'd been more social today than he had everyday of his life altogether, and while he'd been surprised at how much he enjoyed it, he relished a quiet moment to himself. With her, of course. 

Penny slipped her hand into his as they made their way toward the black lake. They weren't the only couple to leave the dance  a little early. His sharp eyes picked up on several people, hand in hand, sneaking off for more private places. He shuddered. 

"Are you cold?" Penny asked. 

"I'm alright," he said, hoping she couldn't detect the nervousness in his voice. "It should have been you for festival ambassador."

She smiled politely. "I admit I was just a little disappointed when I didn't get it, but I'm so glad Sarah did. She deserved it more than anyone."

"Really?" he asked, surprised again that Penny didn't seem to have a bitter bone in her body. Sometimes he thought all his bones were better. "Sarah's one of my best mates, but I have to admit, if anyone at Hogwarts could do with less public attention, it'd be her."

"When Sarah first arrived at Hogwarts, a horrible reputation followed her," said Penny sadly. "For years, people made her an outcast and bullied her because of what happened with her brother. People thought she was a Dark Witch because of her connection to the cursed vaults. I'm glad the rest of the school has finally seen her for the wonderful person I've always known her to be."

"I guess I hadn't thought of it that way," said Talbott. "Still, I think you should have gotten it. Though I suppose she and Barnaby made a nice couple for the photos. I'm sorry if me being your date ruined your chances."

Penny squeezed his hand. "I wouldn't change one thing about tonight, least of all being your date. Though I don't think that had anything to do with it. People just realized how special Barnaby is, too."

Talbott nodded, but privately he decided it was probably Lee's good looks that got him the award over anything else. Barnaby was a good mate, but he still couldn't understand what Sarah saw in him. She was much too intelligent for a guy like that. He couldn't remember much of last Valentine's Day, thanks to Lockhart's misfired memory charm, but he did remember the way he felt when Sarah walked into the room with Barnaby. It had been like falling hundreds of feet with no wings and nothing but the cold ground to welcome you. 

He supposed it was part of his poetic nature that, despite his propensity to be a loner, he fell in love quite easily. He'd felt it happening the moment Sarah had finally worn him down into agreeing to be friends with her. After that, she captivated his thoughts constantly. He was devastated when he saw the way she looked at Barnaby, but he was glad it had happened. In that moment, he realized that while Sarah would always be one of his best friends, he wasn't right for her. Sarah was brilliant, but she was a whirlwind. Her life was full of more chaos than he could keep up with. He didn't mind excitement, his dream was to be an auror after all, but a bird prefers a steady breeze to a windstorm. He needed someone more gentle, someone sweet and uplifting, like a rising air current. 

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