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SPOILER ALERT!!! This story takes place right after escaping the Cursed Vault in Year 5. It contains a couple of spoilers for the end of year 5. 

Sarah stumbled to the floor, feeling sick. They'd just taken the portkey from the underground vault, and everyone but Bill had fallen hard on the floor. Sarah shook her head and realized that they were in the Great Hall, scattered about on the wooden platform where the teachers ate. It must have been study hall, because the four tables were littered with students, all of whom were staring at her and her friends. 

Sarah looked down at Merula, who was still lying on the floor, her eyes screwed shut from the pain. Sarah crouched down, unsure what to do. Merula had been placed under the torture curse by Rakepick, and Sarah neither new how to heal the damage the spell caused, nor how Merula, who'd until recently been her worst enemy, needed to be comforted.

"What on earth is going on?" came Rowan's voice. 

Sarah looked up to see Rowan and most of her friends mounting the platform to stand around Merula. 

"She needs help," said Sarah. "She's in pain."

Barnaby stepped forward. "I can take her to the hospital wing." As soon as he slid is arms underneath her, Merula gasped in pain. 

"Get away from me, you stupid troll!" she spat. Barnaby retracted his arms. 

"We better not move her until a teacher arrives," said Sarah. 

"I'll go get help," said Charlie, and he ran off.

"Sarah, where've you been? What's happened?" asked Rowan. 

Sarah started to answer, but she caught the pained look in Merula's eyes. "We better give Merula her space," said Sarah. "Bill?"

"Come here, everyone," said Bill, ushering them down from the platform to the corner of the room. "I'll explain everything."

That left Sarah alone on the platform with Merula. "Thanks, Spellman," she said through clenched teeth. 

Sarah nodded. She knew Merula wouldn't want to others to see her in pain. They had that in common. "Is there anything I can do?" she asked. 

"I mom," Merula whispered.

"I know. I'm sorry," said Sarah. "But I'm here. Can I help with the pain?"

"Just...distract me, Spellman," she said. "I want to forget...everything."

Sarah thought for a moment. "Remember the time I got fed up with you calling me 'the cursed child' so I crushed up fizzing wizzbees and put them in your porridge?"

Merula was clearly still in a lot of pain, but she managed to smile. "You got the wrong bowl, though," she said. "Ismelda's allergic to them. She was stuck on the ceiling for a half hour before Flitwick got her down."

"And she had to wear weighted shoes for weeks until it finally wore off. It took her ages to walk to classes."

Merula managed a small laugh, though she winced at the pain it caused. So Sarah continued to tell stories of all the times they'd fought over the years. Those stories used to fill her with irritation and hate, but now they just seemed funny. 

Finally, Charlie returned with Dumbledore, Snape, and Madam Pomfrey at his heels. Madam Pomfrey nudged Sarah out of the way so she could examine Merula. 

Sarah caught Dumbledore's gaze, her stomach jolting at the expectant look in the shimmering, blue eyes. "She got hit by the cruciatus curse," she told him. "It was Rakepick."

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