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If the sixth years hoped they would have less homework now that the OWL exams were behind them, they were sorely mistaken. 

After the traumatic ending to their fifth year, Sarah and her friends would have loved to spend the weekend relaxing, practicing quidditch, or playing pranks, but instead they were meeting to study. At least there was nice weather.

 The group had agreed to meet under their favorite tree by the black lake to work in the fresh air. Sarah and Barnaby arrived early, so Barnaby could have extra time to study. They'd found that the best way for Barnaby to learn the material was for Sarah to read aloud from the textbook, then pause every now and then to have Barnaby summarize what she'd read. Barnaby was a much better listener than reader, and Sarah loved reading aloud. 

Sarah had her back against the trunk of the tree with her legs crossed out in front of her. In her hands she held A History of Magic up to read from. Barnaby was lying on his back with his head in Sarah's lap. When she paused reading he said, "So, the Wizard's Council was our government before the Ministry of Magic. But, when we decided to go into hiding and made the International Statue of Secrecy--"

"Statute," Sarah corrected. "It's another word for law."

"Statute of Secrecy. After that, we needed a stronger government to handle everything, so they got rid of the Wizard's Council and Made the Ministry."

"Good," said Sarah. "And what year did that happen? You know Binns is a stickler for dates."

Barnaby frowned. "I'm guessing it was at least...ten years ago?"

Sarah giggled. "Well, you're not wrong. It was 1707. Better write that down. We'll come up with a rhyme to help you remember it later."

Barnaby groaned as he sat up to pull out his notes. "I'm tired of studying. Why don't we grab our brooms and play a little quidditch before the others get here?"

"What, so I can beat you again?" asked Sarah, smirking. They'd been able to find time to participate in a quidditch friendly on Friday evening, and Sarah's team had flattened Barnaby's.

Barnaby gave her a mean look. "You got lucky, Spellman. Your team was better. You'd never stand a chance against me one-on-one."

"Sure, believe what you want," said Sarah. "Forget the fact that I'm so much faster than you that by the time you find a bludger to swing at me, I'm already on the other end of the pitch."

"Faster in the air," said Barnaby. "And that's only because you have a better broom. But I can hit bludgers at you no matter where you are."

"Faster in the air?" Sarah set the book down and crossed her arms. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Come on, Sarah," said Barnaby, just a hint of condescension in his voice. He walked on his knees to her so he could hold her. "We both know that without that Comet 260, I'd be way faster than you."

"I could beat you," said Sarah. She grabbed his arms and tossed them away from her. "I'm smaller. You've got to weigh at least fifty pounds more than me."

"Yeah, fifty pounds of pure muscle." He held up his arms and flexed to make her laugh, but she jus raised her eyebrows at him. "My legs are longer," he continued. "They're stronger. You just couldn't keep up with me."

Sarah stood up. "Alright Lee, let's settle this right now." 

Barnaby smiled at her in amusement as she began stretching out her legs. "You really want to race me?"

"Actually, I was going to suggest a vicious game of Babbity Rabbity."

"Bab--what?" He laughed. 

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