Talbott's Gift

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Though the owlery was draughty, it also held a strong must from the old straw and owl droppings that littered the floor. The beautiful owls in every color perched with their heads under their wings nearly made up for it, but not enough for Sarah to want so spend much time there. 

But, Talbott was different. 

Sarah stood in the center of the round room, calling out his name until a golden eagle drifted down from one of the highest perches to land at her feet. The eagle transformed into a flustered Talbott Winger, his golden-brown hair the exact color the eagle's feathers had been. 

"Would you mind not shouting my name so loudly?" he asked. "I don't want people to know I'm up here."

Sarah ignored him and pulled a wrapped bundle from beneath her cloak. "Happy birthday!"

Talbott eyed the package suspiciously. "It's not my birthday."

"You've refused to tell me your birthday, Talbott, which is not something that friends do. But, as your friend, I've gotten you a gift anyway."

"I'll be rethinking this whole 'friendship' thing if it means I have to buy everyone gifts," he said, but he took the package, pulled off the wrappings, and let them fall to the floor. 

"What the--?" He held up a purple t-shirt. The shirt looked like it had been cheaply made to resemble a galaxy. There was a large full moon on the on the front, superimposed by a majestic eagle that stared into the distance like a mighty general. A second, smaller eagle was in midflight underneath. 

Sarah had to stifle laughter at Talbott's horrified grimace. "Penny took me to some muggle shops in London over the summer and I found this!" she said. "It's perfect for you!"

"You obviously hate me," said Talbott, turning the shirt over and back again, as though the action would make it less gaudy. "I'm never going to wear this."

"Why not?"

"It's offensive!"

"No, it's a symbol of pride. And it's so you," Sarah insisted. "I mean, look." She pointed to the large eagle. "He could be your brother!"

"Will you keep your voice down?" Talbott hissed, looking around to make sure they were still alone. He sighed. "Well, thank you for the gift, I suppose."

"You're welcome."

"And I'm not allowed to throw it away?"

"No! You keep it to remind you of me every time you see it and how lucky you are to have me as a friend," she said, smiling sweetly. 

"Yes," he said, eyeing the shirt again with disgust. "That's exactly what I'll do."


"Happy Birthday, Sarah!" said Talbott at breakfast, holding out a wrapped parcel. 

"Oh Talbott, how did you know it was my birthday?" she asked, innocently. "Is it because we're such good friends?"

"Shut it and open the package," said Talbott, jiggling it in front of her.

Sarah took it eagerly and ripped away the paper. "Hey!" she shouted, holding up a familiar, purple shirt. "No give-backs! That's just rude!"

"It's not rude. I just enjoyed my five months with it so much, I =couldn't keep it to myself any longer. Besides, every time you wear it, you'll think of me."

"How's that hideous shirt going to remind her of you?" asked Charlie, looking up from his cereal at the shirt in confusion. 

"It's not hideous, it's majestic!" said Sarah.

"I'm no Andre Egwu, but that's a foul shirt," said Charlie. 

"Thank you!" said Talbott. 

"Fine!" said Sarah, tucking the shirt under her arm. "The shirt should go to someone clever enough to appreciate its layered nuances." She pointed a finger at Talbott. "But don't be surprised at my gift for your next birthday, Winger!"

"It doesn't count as a birthday gift if it's not gifted on my birthday," he said. 

"If you were a good friend, you'd tell me when your birthday is."

"If you were a good friend, you'd find out. I can't make things easy for you." He smirked. "Why not break into Dumbledore's office and dig up my personal record?"

"He keeps them locked away with a spell I can't break," Sarah muttered. 

Talbott and Charlie stared at her. 

"You didn't actually break into Dumbledore's office and try to look at the student records?" said Charlie. 

"No," said Sarah, her eyes flicking away guiltily. "I just imagine that's what he would do." 

Talbott shook his head, but he was still smirking. "You're unbelievable."

"You know what I'd really like for my birthday, Talbott?" said Sarah, batting her eyelashes at him. "I'd like for you to say that I'm your best friend."

Talbott rolled his eyes, then realized she was being serious. "What about Penny?" he asked. 

"She doesn't count," said Sarah. 

"Of course she counts!"

They both looked to Charlie, who thought for an instant before shaking his head. "Nope, girlfriends don't count."

Talbott stared helplessly between a shrugging Charlie and an elated Sarah. He let out a deep sigh. 

"Fine, but only if you promise not to make a big deal out of it...and to never let me see that shirt again."

"I promise...to try."

"Alright then." He took a deep breath. "Sarah Spellman, you are my best friend."

Charlie gave a dramatic "Awww," as Sarah pumped her fist in celebration. 

"I knew it."

 Talbott chuckled. "Well, that's about as much of you that I can stand for the time-being," he said. "I'll see you at your surprise party."

"Talbott!" yelled Charlie, slamming his spoon into his bowl.

"It's fine, I'm sure she's known about it for days," said Talbott. 

Sarah nodded guiltily at Charlie. 

"Alright, who told you?" he said sternly. 

"Penny, Barnaby, Andre...I even overheard you talking about it with Orion the other day."

Charlie swore and the others laughed. 

Sarah slipped the eagle shirt on over her other clothes. "I'm so wearing this baby to the party tonight."

"No, you're not. You promised," said Talbott. 

"I've got to wear it!" said Sarah. "It was a birthday present from one of my very best friends!"

Talbott rolled his eyes and left the Hall. 

"I think he's going to revoke his statement about being your friend," said Charlie, watching him go.

"Nonsense, he loves me," said Sarah, pouring herself another glass of orange juice. "No matter how hard he tries not to."


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