Birthday | Vent

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Birthdays. A celebration, I like to think of it of earth saying, "hey, you made it another year and I'm proud."
Most people really like their birthdays, you get presents, cake, even a party!

It's an exciting time, usually I would be happy that today's my birthday, but recently I can't even pin point what day it is. The days feel blurry like a dream you remember but can't quite recall.

Or like you not even real, like your a video game character, a fragment of someone elses imagination.

Birthdays are meant to be a time of celebration, but all I can do is remember that she isn't here to be there for me. She can't be there to tease me, brag that she's still older then me, she just isn't here.

And that, that tears me apart. It makes me feel like I'm being torn up like a paper but I don't have the words to tell the person tearing me apart to stop because they can't hear me.

I send her these messages every day now, but I still don't get a reply, I don't expect a reply but I have these dreams where she's still here with me and everything is okay.

I want everything to be okay, I want her to be okay. I want to be a kid again where all I was worried about is who I would be hanging out with.

At the end of the day, all I want is for her to be here, and for my birthday to come another day. I don't want to celebrate my birthday if she can't be here.

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