Where it all started

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(before i start this is my first story so it's probably gonna be terrible but yeah if i do end up posting this and some people like it please give suggestions for future chapters)

"George it's your big day today!" george's mom says with excitement in her eyes.

George is just finishing packing all his stuff for college. He walked down the stairs weighted down by all the bags he was carrying. He saw his mom making him breakfast. He sighed as he knew he was gonna miss breakfast everyday from his mom.

"Ready to eat soon?" his mom says

"Soon I still have to get ready for the day"

George quickly ran up the stairs to get ready for his first day of college. He picked out an outfit. It was a white pleated skirt with a pink sweatshirt and a collared shirt under it. He grabbed his clout goggles as he had forgotten them and ran back downstairs to his mom.

"Hey sweetie take some breakfast." his mom said excited for his first day.

"Actually mom can I just take it on the road? I'm already running late."

George's mom nods and helps bring his bags outside to his car. George then left on his way to college. He was going to a college in Florida cause it was supposedly the best of the best. Also because it had the best cheerleading teams in the country (he was hoping to get on the team).

As George was on his way he started to think about what could happened. He started to get anxious but just as he about to regret everything he got a call. He picked up his phone and it said Karl. Karl is one of George's best friends and they were going to the same college together.

"Hey george, are you gonna be here soon?" Karl says

"Yeah just maybe over an hour, the traffic is kinda bad right now."

"Alright, hopefully we get a dorm room together."

"Yeah, if i don't get a room with you it's gonna be hell for the year." George sighs

"It won't be that bad, we can still see each other." George's eyes start to water from worrying

"Yeah, let's just hope."

"Bye George see you soon" and Karl hangs up

George gets to the college and is greeted by Karl's warm smile. He gets out of the car and Karl runs up to him and hits him with the biggest hug. They hadn't seen each other all summer.

"I missed you so much george." Karl says squishing the life out of george.

"Me too, let's go see what room we're in."

They both walk to the desks and asked the lady which room they were in. They both were in the same room together.

"YESSS THIS IS SO POG." they both said jumping up and down.

"Your actually in a four person room by the way." the desk lady said.

They both looked at each other unsure of what was gonna happen but still happy they were together in a room. They walked up to the room with all the luggage, took a deep breath and opened the door to the smell of Cologne.

George and Karl were in shock when they saw who they we sharing a dorm room with. It was the most popular jocks.

Dream and Sapnap...

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