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George and Karl froze in their footsteps when they saw them. They looked at each other and their eyes both widened.

"Uh hey, why are you guys here?" dream says confused at the sight of more people.

"This is our dorm room" George says nervously as they walk in the dorm.

"Um you sure?" Sapnap says walking towards them.

"Yeah the desk lady said it's gonna be a four person dorm I guess."

Dream and Sapnap both looked at them and looked back at each other and smirked. George and Karl both walked in and put their luggage down as Dream and Sapnap both whispers to each other. George looks over confused as Dream catches him looking at them.

"So who are you guys?" Dream says

"My names George and this is Karl."

"I'm Dream and this is Sapnap"

"So their is only two rooms, so we each got to share with someone." Dream says.

"I call Karl." Sapnap says immediately

"Uh ok- okay" Karl blushing at the fact Sapnap wants to share a room with him. I mean how could he not? He was one of the greatest on the football team.

"I guess your with me then George." Dream says putting his hand out to lead George to their room. Dreamed helped George carry his luggage into the room.

"This is my side and that's your side. No going to each other sides." George said as he was mad he didn't get to share a room with Karl.

"Ok ok geez what's up your ass?" Dream says hoping he would be.

"Nothing I just wanted to share a room with Karl but he's all doughy over Sapnap."

Dream laughed as he could tell how dreamy Karl was about Sapnap. Karl had always told George about how cute Sapnap was and how much he wanted him. So it was no surprise that Karl would ditch George over him. They both walked out the door and sat on the couch together to watch a show while they wait for Sapnap and Karl to be done.

"You need some help?" Sapnap said as he saw Karl struggling to carry his bags.

"Yes." Karl said as he blushed

Dream and George both rolled their eyes at them. George found this quiet annoying.

Sapnap helped Karl with his bags into their room on the opposite side of the room. Karl started to put his cloths away. His wardrobe contained of sweaters and more sweaters. They were his favorite thing to wear. Without even asking Sapnap started to help Karl put his cloths away.

"You like sweaters?" Sapnap said smiling.

"Uh yeah." Karl says blushing for the millionth time it felt like.

"They look so cute on you." Sapnap said looking at Karl.

"Tha- Thank you." Karl says as he covered his face in his sweater. Sapnap could tell how doughy Karl got around him and laughed. He could tell of fragile and caring Karl was.

Sapnap started to put his cloths away and Karl then helped him. Sapnap looked over and laughed and he slowly picked up a shirt and put it on a hanger. Karl's mind was racing with every shirt he put up. Sapnap watched as Karl put the last shirt up.

"Thank you." Sapnap says as he kisses Karl on the cheek. Karl was shocked by this but let it happen as his soft lips melted into his cheek. Sapnap pulled back and gave a hand out for Karl to grab as they walked back into the living room.

"So do you guys do any sport or?" Dream asked

"We're gonna try out for the cheerleader team." George says looking down almost as if he knew what their reactions would be and he was right.

"CHEERLEADING?!" Dream and Sapnap both say with their eyes open wide.

"That's cute." Sapnap says looking at Karl as he pushes his face in his sweater again from embarrassment.

"We could go with each other to the games. Since me and Sapnap are football players" Dream says looking at all of them.

"Going together?! Who do you think I am? We just meet." George says

"Not like that. Assuming I want to be with you?" Dream says even though he knows he wants to be with him.

"No! I didn't - ." George says as he's cut off by dreams finger telling him to shush. They look into each other's eyes for a second before George swats his finger away as Dream smirks.

"I'm getting tired, I think imma go to bed now." Karl says as he yawns. He walks into his room and plops down on the bed.

"Don't forgot about tryouts tomorrow!" George says to Karl as Karl gives the thumbs up as he always does.

"Imma go to the store to get us that coffee for the morning." Sapnap says as he leaves the dorm.

"I think i'm gonna call it a night too." Dreams says to George.

"Me too."

They both walk into their room and turn the lights off. Dream goes to the bathroom to change while George changes in the room. George changed into booty shorts and a sweatshirt and climbed into bed. Dream then comes out of the bathroom shirtless. George stares at him looking at all of him.

"What?" Dream says annoyed.

"Oh nothing."

They both start to fall asleep right when Sapnap gets home from the store. He puts the coffee on the counter and goes into the bathroom to change to go to bed. He walks into the dark room and sees Karl laying in the middle of the bed. Sapnap doesn't know what to do so he picks him up slightly and moves him over. He then slowly gets into bed trying not to wake the sleeping boy. Sapnap opens his eyes when he feels Karl rolling back over to his side, laying on Sapnaps chest.

"K- Karl?" Sapnaps says as he looks at him.

He gets no response as Karl is knocked out from the long days he had. Sapnap just lets it happen pulling him closer and holding him tighter as they fall asleep in each other's arms.

In the other room Dream is snoring  loud making George unable to sleep. He tries to wake him up but he won't he's out cold. George then gets up and walks to Karl and Sapnaps room to hopefully trade. He walks in their room to see them cuddling together. George rolls his eyes as he knows that Karl will kill him if he ruins this moment. So George walks into the living room and falls asleep on the hard couch.

"This is gonna be a night." He thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

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