Tell Me

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(hey guys i swear i always say i'll update more but never do cause my mind is blank and i'd rather give you a good chapter than a terrible one and i've also been on and off sick the past week also pretty busy too anyways i need a karlnap irl meetup again)

Words: 1621

Karl woke up to the smell of warm food being made. He slowly sat himself up from his bed looking to his side to see that his lover was already out of bed. He made his way out of  his bed rubbing his eyes on the way out. He went into the kitchen to see Dream, George, and Sapnap all in the kitchen messing around making breakfast.

"Hey George look at this." Dream said as he stuck a spoon to his nose and surprisingly it actually stuck. Dream tried to keep it balanced until George rolled his eyes and knocked it off his nose laughing as it fell onto the ground. Dream looked at him with a sad face as he watched George start to laugh at Dreams reaction.

"George what the hell I was doing so good." Dream said as he looked at George and Sapnap laughing at him.

"Go check on the food idiot it's probably burnt at this point." George said pushing Dream over to the stove. Dream laughed as he went back to cooking the food he was preparing for them.

"Oh Karl your up." George said as the rest of them looked over to Karl.

"What time is it?" Karl asked as he walked towards them.

"Like around 11 but we all have practice later so you gotta wake up and be ready." Sapnap said as he looked at Karl. Karl went over to Sapnap resting his head on Sapnaps shoulder. He was still so tired and honestly didn't want to do anything all day but he knew he had to. Sapnap put a hand in his hair and started to play with it. The more he played with it the more tired Karl would get leaning deeper into Sapnaps shoulder.

"Come here." Sapnap said as he held Karls head up trying to make him get up. Sapnap opened his arms for Karl and he got up and immediately went into Sapnaps lap each leg on the outside of Sapnaps straddling him. He put his arms around Sapnaps neck and stuffed his face into the crook of Sapnaps neck trying to get comfortable. Sapnap just held him running his hands up and down Karls back comforting him. His hands made his way all over his body now running up and down his soft thighs and then back up to his back again. Karl just let out hums of appreciation as he felt the warmth of Sapnap make him feel good again. Sapnap felt his chest rise and set everytime he took a breath taking in the morning. Karl was just so pretty doing nothing. Sitting there being pretty.

"I love you." Sapnap said as he now began to run his fingers through Karls hair pushing his long hair out of his face to be able to leave a soft kiss on Karl forehead making Karl smile into his chest.

"Love you too." Karl said muffled into Sapnaps chest holding him tighter than before not wanting to leave his arms. His safe familiar arms that made him feel so good. His peace was soon interrupted when Dream spoke out to him.

"Karl get your ass off him, I need him to eat for practice later." Dream said as he started to plate the food that he had made for all of them.

"Hey don't talk to him like that." Sapnap said slightly laughing taking the joke. Karl just let out a quiet groan not wanting to leave the arms of his lover. He sunk himself deeper into Sapnaps warm body holding onto him tighter.

"Cmon Karl get up." Sapnap said as he took the arms that were around his neck off of him. He grabbed his shoulders and pushed him up and off of him making Karl groan at loosing the warm feeling Sapnap gave off onto him. Karl didn't even support himself, the only thing that kept him up was Sapnaps hands on his shoulders.

"Sit." Sapnap said as he pulled a nearby chair right next to his chair. Karl finally stood sitting upright and looked at Sapnap as he pouted out his bottom lip trying to make Sapnap feel bad. Sapnap just shook his head slightly while he placed his hands on Karls waist picking him up and off of him guiding him to the chair next to him. Karl sat down in the chair and scooted his chair close enough to the table where he could rest his head on it.

"Karl breakfast, eat." Dream said as he pushed the plate of food in front of him making Karl lift his head up. He looked at the food then looked up at Dream giving him a quick smile of appreciation.

"Thank you Dream." Karl said as he picked up his fork and started to eat the food in front of him. It was an assortment of different breakfast foods like pancakes, eggs, and bacon. He took more bites appreciating the food made for him.

Dream gave a plate to Sapnap and George and then to himself. They all sat and ate together in comfortable silence appreciating each other's presents. Karl started to play with his food with his fork. Sapnap looked over in between bites and noticed this.

"Karl eat." Sapnap said to Karl as he pushed his plate closer to him.

"I am i'm just-" Karl said as he cut himself off him a huff at the end of his sentence. He set his arm on the table and his hand on his chin letting himself rest his hand on his face.

"Hmm? What Karl?" Sapnap said taking another bite of his food. He was still so worried about everything. Karl thought about actually telling Sapnap what was bothering him but he didn't want to cause more problems than they already have to deal with so he kept quiet and made something up.

"I'm just tired." Karl said as he sunk deeper into his hand that was holding his head up.

"Ok just eat more I don't want you getting light headed at practice today okay hun?" Sapnap said to Karl as he rubbed his shoulder. Karl looked up at him smiling at the cute name he called him. Hun. It made him feel good.
(side note some dilf at my work called me hun when i was taking his order and I almost died right then and there)

"Mhm" Karl said as he took more bites of his food eating just so Sapnap would feel good. He didn't want Sapnap to worry for him. He had tried so hard continuously to try and hide his feelings from him and act like everything was okay. But it wasn't. He wish that he could've just been okay for him and that he didn't have to drag Sapnap through everything. He had hoped that by keeping these things from him that it would make them happier, but it wouldn't.

Some time had now passed and they had all finished eating their meal.

"I can do the dishes." Karl said getting you from his chair and collecting all the dishes.

"Thank you Karl." George said as he took the plate that was infront of him.

"Yup no problem." Karl said as he headed to the sink to start washing the plates. He rolled up his sleeves and started to the water. He was in the middle of cleaning when he felt a pair of hands come around his waist. His breath hitched at the feeling of them.

"Hey are you okay?" Sapnap said as he grabbed Karl from behind pulling him close to him, resting his chin on Karls shoulder. The feeling of Sapnap hands on his stomach gave him butterfly's. He shivered a little at the feeling before speaking to Sapnap.

"Yeah i'm fine." Karl said as he continued to wash the dishes. Sapnap kept his hand on his body leaning into him more as he took a deep breath in. He knew that Karl was lying to him but he didn't want to push him too far to tell him what was wrong. It hurt Sapnap that he didn't want to tell him his problems cause he was a "burden" to him or it wasn't his problems to deal with. He just wanted to help Karl but Karl wasn't letting him.

"Are you sure?" Sapnap said asking him again making sure he was really alright. Karl thought about telling him he wasn't just for a split second before talking himself out of it. Karl didn't know how many more times he could just push everything aside before it piles up too much for him but for now he could still get away with it.

"Y- yes i'm fine." Karl said as he dried his hands off and turning to now face Sapnap looking at him in his eyes. The same eyes that he kept lying to in attempt to make things better.

"Good." Sapnap said as placed a hand on Karls cheek rubbing his thumb back and forth on Karls soft face. Karl let his head fall into Sapnap touch deepening the feeling Sapnap was giving him.

God why does he have to lie like this?

(honestly i don't like this chapter and i don't know why but whatever i promise this time i'll try and update better and also i think i'm getting dream 25 mil hoodie yay)

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