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⚠️small mention of rape,abuse, and alcohol abuse trigger warning⚠️

Words: 1190

"Sapnap you can't keep doing this, you need to keep your anger in check. You can't lash out like that." Dream said as he sat on the couch with Sapnap trying his best to calm him down after what had just happened.

"I couldn't, you know how bad it gets." Sapnap said as the memories started to come back. The memories being his father coming home every night drunk and angry. It was the alcohol that made his dad this way. That made him do these things to Sapnap. That's all Sapnap was surrounded by as a child, that's all he knew, Anger. He knew it too well.

Dream and Sapnap have been friends since they were children. Dream knew everything about Sapnaps personal life including his father and what he would do. When ever Dream came over to his house his father either wasn't their or passed out on the couch. Dream didn't mind cause he knew how hard it was for Sapnap but Sapnap was always embarrassed about it for some reason. Always on edge trying so hard to not wake him.

Whenever Sapnap got really angry Dream would always take him to do something physical. Usually football since that's what Sapnap and Dream loved to do together all their life leading up to college football. He continued to do this with Sapnap no matter how hard it got, never giving up on him.

Sapnap got his anger from his father. Anything bad that happened to his father he would solve it with anger, so that's what Sapnap grew up on. Coming at his problems with anger.

"You can. Here let's go out for a little bit." Dream said standing up holding a hand out for Sapnap. Sapnap looked up at him and took his hand pulling himself up. Dream took his hand and pulled him out of the dorm room.

"One second let me check something." Dream said as he pulled out his phone and texted George that they were leaving. George respond right away saying that he thought it would be best if they left for a little bit. Dream then put his phone away as they walked down the hallway. Comfortable silence passed as they walked together as Dream directed them to a room. They walked into the room and it was a workout room.

"Why did you take me here?" Sapnap said as they walked into the room more.

"Why do you think? You clearly need to get your anger out." Dream said as he threw Sapnap a boxing glove. Sapnap caught it and laughed a little as they both put the gloves on.

Karl and George pov:

"Karl it's okay, I understand." George said looking into the poor boys wet eyes as tears continued to fall from them.

"I messed up everything. How do I even get out of this George? There's no way he's gonna believe me. He hated me right now."

Karl began to remember all the words that Sapnap had said to him. The fact that he had called him a slut. Memories started to come back of his ex. Every time Karl would decline something that he wanted from him he got called a slut. One day he snapped and didn't take no for an answer and still then all he was was a dirty slut. Passed around.

That night he was left alone. No one to help or talk to him. Not until he got a text from George asking if he was okay. He looked at the message and debated for a second if he should tell him the truth and he did. He texted back George...

"Please come over I need you right now."

That night George helped Karl with everything he needed and he would continue to for the next few days to come. Although he didn't want food most of the time George made sure he ate and drank water. Making sure Karl got everything he wanted. He even want as far to text Karl's ex that they weren't gonna see each other anymore.

Karl tried to see what George was saying but George made sure he didn't. To protect him from the words that he was saying about Karl.

"Karl?" George said as Karl was dosing off trying to make him focus at him again. Karl snapped out of it and looked back at George.

"Just explain yourself to him. I'm sure he'll listen once he's back." George said as he rubbed Karl's arm trying to comfort him.

"He's not gonna listen. Did you not see him earlier? That was the opposite of listening to me."

"I'll make sure of it that he listens. He was mad Karl you have to understand that now." George said to Karl as comfortable silence passed as Karl was trying to get himself together.

"Here let's go somewhere just the two of us." George said looking at Karl. He put his hand out for Karl to take and lifted him up onto his feet. He got tissues and handed them to Karl as he wiped his face off. They continued out the door waking down the hallway. The fresh air hitting Karl's red face made him feel good. That's all he wanted, to feel good again.

They walked past workout room. Hearing groans coming from the room. George looked over to see Dream and Sapnap working out together. Sweat dripping down their body's. George stopped walking to admire Dreams body. Karl continued waking until he noticed George had stopped. He looked back to see George looking to the side at something.

"What are you looking at- " Karl was cut off my George covering his mouth to keep him quite. He looked into the room to see the two men sweat dripping down their body's.

"Oh cmon George." Karl said as he admired Sapnaps body. He looked him up and down getting a little bit flushed. He so desperately wanted Sapnap but he couldn't not now. He was still mad at him.

"Let's go." Karl said being a little too loud as both Dream and Sapnap looked over at them through the window. Karl quickly looked down and pulled George out of sight of the window. George looked over as Karl rolled his eyes.

"C'mon you can't tell me that's not hot." George said as they continued to walk down the hallway.

"Shut up."

"You know it is." George said as nudged Karl slightly making him fall to the side a little.

"Maybe a little." Karl said as he pulled his hood over covering his face. They continued walking until they got back to their dorm room.

"You know what we're gonna watch a movie tonight. Let's have ice cream too." George said going into the fridge to grab two pints of ice cream and two spoon for the both of them. They both sat on the couch watching a movie while eating ice cream. Karl looked over to George and realized that no matter what he will always have somebody and that somebody is George.

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