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(hey y'all i'm sorry I haven't updated I've had a lot going on and haven't really been doing good mentally. Anyways y'all probably don't care but i'll try my best to update more thank you guys for the support love you guys remember to take care of yourself. <3)

⚠️small TW for talk about cuts⚠️

Words: 2253

Meanwhile Sapnap and Dream were still working out together. They both finished their last rep with sweat dripping down their body's.

"You done for today?" Dream asked Sapnap as he threw him a small towel to wipe the sweat off his face.

"Yeah." Sapnap said as he caught the towel bringing the towel to his face cooling him down from the hard work out he just did. He was feeling better already. Working out had really helped him calm down cause he was putting his anger elsewhere.

They got all their stuff together and walked out the doors back to the dorm room. They both walked into the dorm room laughing when George gave them an annoyed look cause of how loud and annoying they were being.

"What's wrong with you?" Dream asked George still laughing with Sapnap slightly.

"Someone's fucking sleeping here." George said as he moved his body to show Karl curled up holding tightly onto a pillow passed out. Sapnap looked at the boy sleeping. He looked so pretty when he slept. He was so calm and peaceful, his chest slightly rising every time he breathed. The way his hair fell into his face. Sapnap had realized what he had done was terrible, he knew he needed to fix it. Just as Sapnap was gonna say something he was cut off by Dream.

"Geez calm down it's fine." Dream said as he continued to walk around the dorm carelessly.

"Shut up asshole." George said he tried to focus back in the movie that him and Karl were watching. Why was he being such an asshole does he not remember what just happened to Karl. He should at least have a little sympathy. Whatever.

"Make me." Dream said as he turned around and started laughing with Sapnap knowing George wouldn't do anything about it.

"You're so dumb." George said as he laughed slightly looking away to not show his face getting redder from blushing. He could feel Dream staring at him and that made him even redder.

"Aw look who's blushing, how cute." Dream said walked up to George moving the hair out of his face to look at his red face. George quickly slapped his hand away and pulled the covers over his face to not show his clearly red face.

"Go away and go take a shower while your at it." George said as he backed away from Dream indicating that he smelled. Dream walked closer to George just to annoying him enough. He liked to annoy George like this, making him seem like a brat. It was all just a game to Dream. George moved further back trying to have Dreams sweaty body touch him.

"Ew your gonna get sweat all over me get away." George said as he backed further into the couch now almost right up against Karl.

"Oh cmon Georgie don't be so mean." Dream said as he backed away and left to take a shower. George looked at him as he left zoning out a little lookin at Dream. His body, it was perfect. His arms, chest, broad shoulders every part of his body was perfect. He quickly snapped out of it when he heard noise to to side of him. It was Karl he had woken up from them talking. Karl opens his his eyes slightly while getting up rubbing his eyes looking over at George.

"What time is it?" Karl said still waking up from his nap.

"It's ten at night Karl you should go back to bed again we have cheer practice tomorrow." George said bushing the hair out of Karl's face to see him better.

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