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⚠️Talk about cuts and self harm trigger warning⚠️

Words: 1137

Sapnap pov:

Sapnap was just getting home from his classes when he got a text. He looked down at the text and it was a random number that he didn't recognize. He clicked on the text and it was a picture. It was the pictures of Karl that he had took last night. It came with a text saying...

"Don't trust him he sent me these, it's better if you know now to not be with him. I'm sorry to have to tell you this way man."

Sapnap looked down at the messages and the picture trying to see if that really was Karl. He couldn't believe that Karl would do something like that. Even though Sapnap and Karl weren't officially a thing he was still pissed at Karl. He didn't even have time responded to the number cause of the anger and sadness that started to build up in him. He put his phone back in his pocket and he started to pick up his pace running to the dorm room. He finally got to the room when he stormed into the dorm room.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Dream said as he stood in front of him trying to stop him.

"Get away." Sapnap said pushing Dream to the side as he walked into Karl's room. He went up to the room and opened the door without knocking. George and Karl both jumped when Sapnap came in.

"KARL WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM." Karl had never seen him like this, he was furious and he didn't know what for. Karl was already on edge because of everything that has happened today already. Karl sat there for a second before respond in a low tone.

"W- what do you mean Sapnap? Are you okay?"

"Oh so we're just gonna play dumb right now?" Sapnap said as his angry level rose in him. He got closer to Karl but he couldn't before George pushed his arm infront of him stopping him from getting too close.

"Sapnap I don't know what your taking about." Karl said

"You know what you fucking did." Sapnap said as he got visibly more upset with Karl. He was clenching his fists harder and harder enough to make indents from his nails.

"Sapnap your scaring me stop it." Karl cried out as tears started to fall down his checks once again. He looked at Sapnap that was once someone that comforted him and now was someone that he was scared of.

Sapnap grabbed his phone and went to the messages with the number. He pulled up the pictures and the messages.

"So these aren't you? You didn't send these to people?" Sapnap said as he showed Karl the pictures and the message that came with it. His hands shaking from the emotions that he was feeling. Karl looked at the messages and the picture knowing who it was from. He did send them but he was threatening him and he didn't know how to tell Sapnap that. After he read the message he looked up at Sapnap furious. He tried to say something but nothing came out.

"FUCKING ANSWER ME." Sapnap yelled out at Karl making Dream come into the room to see them arguing.

"Y- yes but it's not what you think Sapnap please." When Karl said that George looked over at him with disappointment and disbelief of what he had done. He backed away a little from Karl. Karl didn't know what to do, there was no way of getting out of this because at the end of the day he did send them. It was his fault.

"NOT WHAT YOU THINK? THEN WHAT WAS IT? YOU JUST SEND PEOPLE NUDES ALL THE TIME?" Sapnap screamed at Karl, he was now bright red and wanted to get his anger out some way.

"Sapnap calm down." Dream said coming behind him pulling him away from George and Karl. He turned around and was about to punch Dream in the face until Dream caught his fist in the air.

"SAPNAP STOP NOW." Dream yelled out at Sapnap trying to calm him down.

"Did you hear what he did? He sent nudes to other people, god people were right about you. You are just a little slut." Sapnap said looking at Karl with tearing rolling down his face. He didn't feel bad at all.

"Why are you crying your the one they caused all of this." Sapnap said looking into Karl's eyes as Dream pulled him away into the living room. He pulled him to the couch and sat next to him. Sapnap put his hands over his face and started to cry. Dream looked at him and noticed how fast he had changed. He had just tried to punch him and now he's crying? He put a hand on Sapnaps back and started to rub his back.

"Calm down Sapnap, it's gonna be okay." Dream said as he continued to rub his back. Dream then went over to him and hugged him. Sapnap resisted at first but then hugged back tightly not wanting to let go. He cried into his arms and started to regret everything that he had done and said even though he had every right to be mad at Karl.

In the other room Karl was frozen he didn't know what to do. George looked over at his wet red face and brushed away the tears on his face.

"Karl is this true?" George said looking at Karl.

"Yes but it's not what you think George. He forced me to, he was gonna leak the other ones I sent him."

"The other ones?" George said with a worried look on his face.

"It's my ex I sent him pictures when we were together and he said he would leak them if I didn't send more. Please George you have to understand when he texted me I- i wasn't doing good. I wasn't thinking straight and I now know I shouldn't have done it."

"Karl?" George said as he remembered what he had saw on his desk earlier. He grabbed Karl's arm as Karl flinched a little because of the pressure on his cuts.

"Karl really?" George said as they both knew what he was talking about. George pulled back Karls sleeve revealing cuts on Karl arm. Karl quickly pulled his sleeve back up with tears in his eyes making George start to cry slightly with him.

"I'm sorry George I couldn't stop myself. You don't think I feel bad enough already? I know I messed up. I messed up everything." Karl said as he pulled up his sleeve more covering his cuts. He laid back farther into his bed with tears running down his face.




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