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self harm warning? i'm not really sure if it's self harm or not⚠️

Words: 730

Karl kept running and running back to the room with tears streaming down his face. He felt like he couldn't breath. He stopped before he went into the room and caught his breath. He knew that he couldn't tell anyone about what happened cause he knew the consequences that would come with it. He finally calmed down after ten minutes and wiped his face off.

He walked into the room trying so hard to act like he was okay, that nothing had happened. It was so hard but he knew he had to do it.

"Hey Karl are you gonna eat now?" Sapnap asked

"Uh not now I have to go shower." Karl said as he walked past them but before he could leave Sapnap grabbed his hand. He was startled a little because of what had happened. Sapnap looked at Karl concerned at why he would jump at his touch.

"A- are you okay Karl? You seem a little off recently." Sapnap said looking at the startled boy. That sentence made Karl want to jump into Sapnap arms and cry for hours telling him about everything that had happened and what could happen to him. He couldn't though, no matter how much he wanted to. His eyes started to water a little as he quickly answered.

"Yeah i'm fine." Karl said as he ran into the bathroom trying not to break down right then and their. He quickly closed and locked the door turning on the fan so they couldn't hear his cry's. When he finally was alone he completely broke down. Tears constantly falling down his cheeks onto his lap. He couldn't stop it. He felt like his whole world was crumbling underneath him.

He felt disgusted with himself. He could still feel his touch on his body and mouth. He quickly got up and grabbed his tooth brush and brushed his teeth. No matter how long he brushed his mouth the feeling never went away. He could still feel him inside his mouth. He brushed so much until he could feel his mouth start to bleed. His gums slowly turning numb.

He looked at himself in the mirror. What had he become? How did he end up like this? He coughed and as he looking down blood was coming out of his mouth. He didn't care he knew he had to keep brushing.

"Karl are you okay in there?" Sapnap yelled as he could hear Karl coughing.

"Yes my throats just dry." Karl yelled back.

"Dude I think theirs something really wrong with him. Like he's keeping something back from us." Dream said to Sapnap.

"George?" Sapnap asked.

"I don't know what it could be honestly, I can't think of anything. What happened that night Sapnap?"

"All we did was we went to a flower patch and picked flowers. We also had a picnic and then we started to kiss and he freaked out because of something that happened with one of his ex's." Sapnap said trying to remember every small thing that happened that day.

"What happened with his ex's?" Dream asked.

"They didn't stop when he said to, you know where that goes." Sapnap said

"What if something else happened with his ex since then?" Dream asked.

"Oh shit that better of not happened." Sapnap said as Karl turned on the shower. He went in and turned the heat up. He started to scrub his skin where he was touched,  but like his mouth the feeling wouldn't go away. He scrubbed harder as tears fell from his face. Everything that had happened to him kept coming back in his head and it wouldn't stop.

He turned the shower all the way up to boiling hot water. His skin was burning at this point but it was helping. As his skin turned more and more red the feeling was starting to lift. He kept going until his whole body was burning and he felt light headed. He knew he should stop but he couldn't it was addicting.

His body started to wobble and he grabbed onto the railing in the shower for support. He turned off the shower and stood their for a second looking at his red skin. His touch still wasn't off of him but he needed to stop.

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