They give you "the talk"

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You already knew what sex was, but wanted to see if he'd explain it to you.
Y: Hey what's sex?
H: Something I will never let you have.
Y: Oh

Boy did she give you a stern look.
M: How do you know of such a thing?
Y: How else would I have been made?
M:.... never talk about that again.

Y: How is sex done? Like, how do you pull it off?
J: You don't, you will never be doing that with anyone!

Cruelle de Vil
C: gasp How dare you! Why has your mind allowed you to say such a thing?! Especially to me!
Y: Ok, I'll go ask Jasper and Horace then.
C: Absolutely not!!!

Dr. Facilier
He knows you know. He's just gonna make sure it never happens.

Y: Hey, what are those two zebras doing?
S: GAH! They're uh... playing a game!
Y: Can we join them?
S: *pick you up by the scruff* No.

Mother Gothel
You have no idea such a thing exists. And she's going to make sure it stay that way.

Captain Hook
Y: Hook, what's sex?
H: *spits out his drink* Where in heaven's name did you learn that word?!
Y: From William over there
H: Smee, take her down to my quarters. I have an 'issue' to deal with.

Prince John
He was absolutely mortified about this question. Two reasons. 1. You shouldn't even now about that. 2. He's never had it before. So he can't help you but he's not gonna let anyone tell you.

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