New Character! Captain hook

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He won the popular vote!

You had spent most of your life in an orphanage until Peter Pan came along. Peter brought you to Neverland so you could actually have the joy of being a kid. You seemed to get along with the lost boys and tinker Bell just fine, if only you didn't have to meet that Captain Hook from time to time. It's always him that captures you the most out of anyone. Using you to get to Peter, thankfully Peter always saves you and you keep your mouth shut about the hideout. Though lately, it's like Hook hunts for you now instead of Peter, which is odd since it was Peter who cut off his hand. It went from a monthly kidnapping to weekly and now to daily. When will it end?

Second meeting/ Stalking
Today wasn't different from the last, get kidnapped by Hook and wait for Peter. You started to know each crew member by name now since this turned into a daily thing. "So Hook, you ever gonna bored with this or what? I may as well just walk to your ship every morning and tie myself up." "Ahh but this time it's different. I don't care about finding that old hideout. In fact I'm letting you go this time! Now run along." "Wait- just like that? No interrogation?" "Leave before I change my mind" You hurried off, unaware that a group of pirates were following you.

Their true intentions
(His POV)
I know it will hurt (Y/N) now but this is for her own good. Hanging out with Peter will only bring out bad behavior and habits! She needs a responsible adult to guide her, not some delinquent! Parenting isn't easy.

How could you have not seen this coming? The constant kidnapping, the relentless hunting for you, and the lingering stares he'd give you. No way he would just let you go. Now here you are, tied up and being carried away from a burning used to be hideout. The very pirate responsible for all this was dripping with pride, that pirate being Captain Hook. "(Y/N), later in life you will thank me for this. For now though, you're just going to have to cooperate with me." Tears flowed down your eyes as the screams of the lost boys and smoke filled the air.

When you try to escape
It was the dead of night when everyone was asleep. You were doing so good, not making a single sound. All you had to do was get the row boat down. When trying to lower the boat into the water, you lost your grip on the and the boat crashed into the water. It alerted everyone including Hook. You had just enough time to sneak back into your quarters before anyone saw you. You're going to have to be more careful next time.

Bath time
Hook has in instructed that Mr. Smee help you while he waits for you outside.

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