When you try to escape

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Was requested by @Holy_fuck_im_gay

You had to convince Pain and Panic to try and help you. You were half way out before chains suddenly wrapped around your body. It was hard having to face the now angry god. But he was not mad at you, do no he could never be. He was pissed that pain and panic nearly let you escape. Safe to say you didn't see them for a while.

You tried to sneak out at night only to get lost in the woods. Her pet found you and out came your 'mother' Maleficent. She was not mad just disappointed. Now you are to be followed around 24/7.

It was hard enough to lose your legs to get a fin, but to try swim away was even harder. You got caught by the unfortunate souls who were loud. You now have to stay in Ursula's line of sight no matter what.

Escaping a palace was a lot harder then you thought, but you managed to do it. It wasn't until the next day in the market place when you were caught by guards. Having to look Jafar in the eye again was hell, you had to stay locked up in his personal jail until you apologized for worrying him.

Cruelle de Vil
You passed out from the cold after leaving half way from the mansion. You didn't plan this all the way. It was hell for Jasper and Horace to try and explain to Cruelle on why this is your fault and not theirs. She wouldn't have any of it and now your under her full supervision. She at least helped you get better!

Dr. Facilier
Boy you think you got a chance? You're under 24/7 surveillance by the shadows. There's no way you can even make it to the door.

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