Someone tries to save you PT. 3

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Sorry for slow updates

It took a lot of convincing on your part to get one of the hyenas to help you. Ekon was his name, he was the runt of a litter and was constantly ignored. So no one would suspect him of getting you out. Maybe you outta take him with you, you two were already friends to begin with so it wouldn't be too much trouble. But you knew it couldn't happen, it would cause problems for the both of you in the long run. Hell, you even asked Nala to go with you, she said no because she wanted to make sure her mother was safe.
Scar was distracted with hyena and lioness matters, the perfect time to put the plan in motion.
You gave Ekon the signal, he nodded and snuck his way over to you. "You sure about this little cub?" "Yea"
Ekon didn't need to speak to anyone to head out. You were hidden on his side, staying low to the ground. Maybe a hyena or two saw him, but they were nothing more than a quick glance.
The area that Ekon had brought you two, it was a whole lot lively than the Pride lands ( It's not the same place Simba is). "This is a cave I've found for you, you already know how to hunt and there's water nearby. You should be good to go." "Thank you Ekon, for everything." You gave him a lion version of a hug before heading down to hide in tha cave for a while. Ekon walked back to the Pride lands.
( Ekon's POV)
I sure hope I'm doing the right thing, bringing her out here anyway. Should I have made the cave a little farther? No, this was the perfect spot for her. The cave itself was small now but she dig it to be bigger in the future. Right now my problem should be Scar, no way in hell he's going to be leaving me and hyenas alone for a while. Speak of the devil.....
(Scars POV)
Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?! No way she could've ran off without me or any of the hyenas knowing! What if.... no they wouldn't, I would've heard her scream. But just to make sure, "LINE UP! I will be inspecting all of you! Anyone with (Y/N)'s scent will be dealt with. Personally." The hyenas lined up scared, someone's got something to hide.
At about almost 30 hyenas, nothing. Next was this, runt, I swear I've never seen him before. "You. What is your name." "E-Ekon lord Scar." I gave him a quick sniff. He smelled exactly like (Y/N). I grabbed him by the neck and dragged him out behind Pride Rock. Pinning him down to rock, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO (Y/N)?! I SWEAR IF YOU HAVE EVER SO SCRATCHED HER!" "WAIT PLEASE! I DIDN'T HURT HER! HONEST!" I press his throat harder with my paw "Then. Where. Is. She." "I-I hid her out of the Pride lands. She's in a cave." I give him a deceiving smile made to look appreciative. "Thank you. Now..." I grab him by the throat and tear him limb from limb, his screams of agony filling the air. Now all the hyenas and lioness's will know what happens when they touch you. I trudged off angrily but worriedly, what if she's lost?
(Back to you)
You rested happily. It was a warm night, belly full of Hyrax (it's a small animal of Africa), and no overly affectionate tyrant lion. For once things were looking up for you. You closed your eyes, slipping into slumber.
4 hours later, you felt weird. Slowly opening your eyes to see, you were moving! Feeling came back to you, you could feel being carried in familiar jaws. No... no... NO!!!! Did Ekon snitch on you? He couldn't have, he was the most trustworthy hyena you've met.
Back at Pride Rock, Scar still hadn't noticed that you were awake. He carried you to his cave, you pretended to be asleep. Scar laid you down in front of him, softly cuddling you as to not wake you. He believed he has saved you, little did he know of your tears that fell.

Mother Gothel
Gonna be completely honest with you. I don't have a fuckin clue what to write here. So just imagine  Flynn tries to save you both after getting out of prison and Mother Gothel stabs him to death. You all relocated to a far away cottage, far away from the rest of the world. Rapunzel is locked up in a hidden room, only to opened when she needs to eat and mother needs her hair. You are locked up in the nearest room to Gothel, so she doesn't lose you again.

Captain Hook
You took it upon yourself to get out. There wasn't a single pirate that wasn't loyal to Captain Hook and the Indians didn't have anything that could beat a gun or cannon. No point in asking the mermaids, they were terrified of Captain Hook. Tik Tok wasn't an option either, considering he may eat you. You had prepared greatly for it, both physically and mentally. Having a private rope tying lessons as well as knife throwing, that skill will only be used if necessary.
10:30 pm. Everyone asleep, the outlook was even passed out. Perfect. You quietly sneak out of Hook's room, making sure to watch your step and close the door. Trending carefully to the spare row boat, you set your things inside. You got in and started to descend down. You hit the water softly, picking up the oars and began rowing to shore. Sure, you would row right out of Neverland, if it wasn't in a star.
Making it to shore, you gather your things and book it. You remember Peter talking about a tree filled with pixie dust, you had to make it there before Hook knows you're gone.
(Hooks POV)
I tossed and turned in my sleep. Somethings wrong. Somethings missing. I wake up and slowly look around. I see (Y/N)'s bed is empty. Maybe she just went to the bathroom? I tried to go back to sleep, but something kept eating at me. I put on my coat and take a look outside. The life boat is gone.
"SMEEEEE!!!" The blabbering fool came running out from the bottom deck "Aye Captain?!" I pointed to the missing boat "(Y/N) has left! Gather every man we have a search this whole bloody island! Burn it down if you have too!" "Ay- burn the island? Captain are sure that is a good idea?" "I know what I said! Just bring back (Y/N), unharmed." I worry about you (Y/N), I really do.
(Back to you)
You had to follow the way to the pixie tree based on memory. It was incredibly hard considering Peter told you about the tree 3 months before his murder. Suddenly, you smelled smoke. Looking up, you see many dark clouds. It dawned on you, Hook must've woken up and assumed the worse. You booked it, towards what you were certain was the direction to the tree. Running so fast, you didn't hear the footsteps of someone behind you. You were tackled from behind. No... you were so close, you could feel it. You were tied up and brought back to where the Jolly Roger laid.
Your stomach practically tied itself into a knot. Hook wouldn't hurt you, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be mad. Getting hoisted up on deck, you were dragged to yours and Hook's room. By the Captain himself. He paced back and forth in front of your tied up form. "What in blue blazes were you thinking?! Running off in the middle of the night! Don't you know how cold it is? You could've died out there! Indians, cannibals, and worse of, that crocodile is out there!" "I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again.... I promise" you said with tearing eyes. Hook's angered expression turned soft as he bent down and wiped the tears away with his one good hand. As with his hook, he easily cut the rope around your wrist and ankles. He gasped, where the rope had been, it bruised your skin. He calmly stands up straight and walks out, slamming the door. You heard screams of pain, most likely coming from the pirate that tied you up. Hook comes back in, covered in blood. His hook looked as if it still had a piece of flesh still at the end of it. He hugged you, he didn't even bother to change or wash himself. Now you and him were blood soaked.

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