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I kept running and running all the way to the hotel. It wasn't until I saw police cars and an ambulance in front of the hotel did I stop. "What happened officer?" "Homicide, family of 4 in room 215" I stared in horror. My family was in room 215. I stumbled back into a wall, at least I thought it was a wall. It wasn't until a hand went around my mouth and an arm around mine did I realize who I bumped into. "Woah what a night huh? Talk about grim! But don't worry kiddo, I'm here for you." I began kicking with all my might, but it was no use. Hades was a lot stronger than I was, I had no other choice but to accept my fate. "That's it (Y/N) just calm down, everything will be just peachy." He carried me bridal style all the way to the under world, I cried the whole way.

She already kidnapped you

My dad had been seeing this woman, Veronica, for a while. She seems to like me a lot, always showing me kindness. Though it seems like she keeps me away from my dad all time. She's always making plans with me and excluding dad from the picture. I try to get her to include him but she says he's too busy. Today was no different from that, she had made an appointment for me and her to get our nails done. "Isn't this great (Y/N)? Just me and you, isn't grand?" "Yea but I wish at least dad would join us for once..." Veronica looked a bit annoyed, "Don't think about him, it's not our fault he puts work above all else." When we got done we observed our new look, she got black and I got (F/C). We went home to an empty house. Strange, dad should be home having a meeting, where is he? I looked around the house and found nothing, it wasn't until I smelled something foul did I look in his office. There he laid, completely dismembered. I tried to scream but Veronica stopped me, "There's no reason to scream (Y/N), he didn't matter anyway." Veronica didn't sound like herself, her voice was one that haunted my memories. The woman from the ocean. "It was you! You killed him didn't you! You son of a bitch!" I tried to run but something grabbed my ankle. A familiar tentacle pulled back to her, the murderer. "That is no way to speak to your mother. I will have to teach you some manners!" With that she dragged me all the to beach, the ocean, to the very bottom.

It was so sudden. We were eating with the sultan and then my dad was foaming at the mouth. He died on his food. Jasmine tried to confront me but I was blinded by sadness. "Oh what will I do... how could this happen...". That happened a couple days ago, the sultan has offered to send me back home but I didn't have any other family than my dad. I was with Jasmine, just hanging out, "I'm so sorry (Y/N), maybe I can get my father to take you in." "Thank you Jasmine but I don't want to be a burden." The sultan walked in with Jafar "(Y/N), I have made a decision." The sultan didn't sound like himself "I have decided to put you in the care of Jafar" Jasmine and I gasped in horror while Jafar just smiled darkly. "Father you can't! Jafar is evil!" "Silence Jasmine, I know what I am doing. (Y/N) go with Jafar." I hesitantly walked to Jafar. He extended his hand to me and I had to take it. I was completely unaware of the evil smirk on his face.

Cruelle de Vil
Roger and Anita went on a walk with the dogs so it was just me, Nanny, and the pups. Just then we heard a knock at the door. It turned out to be two 'electric men' saying it's new parliament to check wiring. Nanny and I had a bad feeling about them so we tried to shoo them away. They forced their way in and took me and the puppies. Every thought crossed my mind on why the would kidnap us. Ransom, revenge, or just for plain fun. We were driven to an old mansion where countless other dalmatian puppies. "Oh (Y/N) I'm so glad you made it here safely!" I recognize that voice "Cruelle?" "Right here darling!" She came out all proud of herself "How could you?! Why are you doing this?" "Because I love you darling! A mother must do what's best for her child!" "Mother? You're not my mom! What's going on? You're freaking me out!" "You'll understand soon, but for now just relax." She brought me to a room and locked me in.

Dr. Facilier
I was doing my nightly routine. Brush my hair, brush my teeth, all that jazz. I went to bed, unaware of the danger that surrounded me. I woke up hours later to my mom and grandma screaming in pain. I ran out of my room only to find both of them being lifted in the air and gutted alive. Blood was getting everywhere, some even splashed my pjs. I was gaging and crying, unable to help them. All of a sudden, I was lifted in the air. Expecting to be torn apart, I closed my eyes and braced for pain but only to be left with nothing. I opened my eyes to see I was being carried away from my grandmas house. I was brought to a familiar shop, Facilier's shop. The door opened and was brought to a chair and tied down. "Good to see that your unharmed, hope I didn't scare you" the shadow man a merged from, well, the shadows. "Facilier! What's going on here?!" "Oh don't get worked up over nothing, we're just bringing you home!" "We?" It was then I noticed there were a lot of shadows that didn't belong to anyone. "Cool right? Sorry you had to see those two lowlifes get rightfully gutted, but it's what's best for you" "But-" "No back talk. Now go to your room." I was carried to a random room in the shop and was left on the bed. Whatever carried me closed and locked the door. I laid in the covers and cried myself to sleep.

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