New character! Scar

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You will be a lion cub in this

I had lost my original pride by poachers. Mufasa found me trying to hunt, but with my size I could only catch a chameleon. He took me in as his own and I became good friends with Simba and Nala. I eventually meet Scar, Simba's uncle. He sort of creeped me out but he enjoyed my company. He's always requesting my presence so we could chat. He would always sneak off in the night. I would try to ask him about it but he said I was much too young to understand. Maybe next time I will follow him.

Second meeting/ Stalking
(His POV)
It has been a month since (Y/N) joined our pride. I had thought she be just as annoying as Simba, but she has turned out to be the complete opposite! She's a delight to have around, I simply can't have enough with her. Though she is getting a bit nosy of my business, nothing I can't fix though.

Their true intentions
(His POV)
(Y/N) is my cub. We are so alike in every way! If only she would stop hanging out with the other lions entirely then she would see that I'm her true family. My plan to murder Mufasa and Simba will help with that though. Don't worry (Y/N), daddy will save you~

I was filled with nothing but grief. Scar had told us that Mufasa and Simba were killed today by a stampede. He would become the new king of Pride Rock. His first order was to let the hyenas live on pride rock with us. Why? Aren't we enemies? "My second order of business, (Y/N) will be under my care and my care only from now on" a gasp of shock came from many of the lionesses. Why me? "Come along (Y/N), it's past your bedtime." He picked me up by the scruff of my neck and carried me to his den. He laid me down in front him and cuddled up to me. Enclosing me with his paws, I had no choice but to go to bed. He purred as I slept. For he knew he had won.

When you try to escape
You managed to get past all the hyenas without alerting them. You had hope in your heart, hope that you could finally be free. That stopped when a familiar adult lion came in front of you. "Just what do you think you are doing (Y/N)?!" "I was just playing Scar! Honest!" He gave you a smile "Oh well then, you surely wouldn't mind if watched you then. Right?" "Nope! No problem at all." You would have to be more careful next time.

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