Bath time

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Requested by @paranoiac666

He insists that he helps you, just in case something happens. Claiming that a lot of people die every year because of an accident in the bathroom. "I DONT NEED YOUR HELP! IM NOT A BABY STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE!" "(Y/N) sweetie I'm just trying to make sure you're safe. I know what I'm doing! Promise!" "GO AWAY!" He gave up and just let you do it by yourself. Though he was grumpy the rest of the day.

She's confident that you know what you are doing. It doesn't stop her from checking every minute though. "Just checking in~" "Yeah I know, you said that a minute ago and a minute after that." "It is my duty as a mother to make sure nothing happens! I'll check on you in a minute." "*sigh*"

Living underwater has its perks, like not really needing to shower all the time. Ursula usually just conditions your hair and boom you're done.

He has guards posted outside the bathroom at all times. He also has maid on the inside to assist you if needed. Other than that it's basically just normal.

Cruelle de Vil
Oh lord does she even know what privacy is? She always has to be in the bathroom when you're taking a shower. "Don't forget you're feet darling~" "I know I know" "Make sure you get all the soap out of your hair" "Cruell- mom please"

Dr. Faciliar
Same as you would regularly shower. Just now you're filled with grief.

You're just a cub so you don't know how to clean yourself fully yet. It used to be Sarabe that would clean you, but since Scar stepped in he's in charge of that now. Your constantly well groomed, despite not really getting dirty at all most the time.

Mother Gothel
Normal, she just checks in from time to time.

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