Someone tries to save you Pt. 1

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Key word: Tries.

He had left you alone for a while to speak with a few creatures to see if they would join him. After hours of being away from you, he was ecstatic to get home. He quickly opened the front doors, "(Y/N)! I'm home!" It was quiet, too quiet. Usually you would give a "Good for you" sort of thing. "(Y/N)?" He had searched everywhere and found nothing. He began panicking, no way you could have escaped. In the corner of his eye, he say a large feather, a large white feather. "Hercules"
(Your POV from some time ago)
You were stumbling around the house again, your spirit was fading. You were almost completely obedient with Hades. "Excuse miss? Are you the one kid that was kidnapped by Hades?" You look over to see a muscular man who looked both intimidating and friendly at the same time, he had a white Pegasus with him. "Uh yea? You are?" He got into a hero like stance "I am Hercules, son of Zeus! I am here to save you! Come with me madam." You were hesitant, wait will happen when Hades finds out. He's terrifying when he's mad. But this guy was the son of Zeus, no way Hades would kill him. "Ok, let's get out of here." Herc helped me get on Pegasus and we flew off. For once I had hope again. "So where are we going? I don't exactly have a family anymore thanks to Hades." "Well, we're going to Phil's house to lay low for now. We'll see about our next move there." You guys landed about an hour ago, you were nervous. You know Hades will come back from his meetings soon and he will be beyond furious to see you gone. "Alright kid here's what we're gonna do" Phil said, "We have got to get you up on Olympus as soon as possible, that is your only safe haven from Hades. We have to be fast though." You got up from where you were sitting, "Ready when you are" "Good, now off to-" "Oh hello Herc, I believe you have something that belongs to me" Herc drew his sword, ready to protect you "She's not your kid Hades, leave her alone" "We'll see about that!" The battle was bloody and hard, it lasted about an hour and a half. Though despite Hercs efforts, he still lost. His bloody and burnt carcass fell to the ground as well as Phil's mutilated corpse and Pegasus's completely fried body. You stood, frozen in fear and crying silently. It wasn't until Hades hand landed on your shoulder did you move. "C'mon (Y/N), you're safe now. Daddy's here" he hugged you lovingly, thinking that he saved you. "Here let's  wipe those tears and go home. I need some rest after that whole thing." It was official. You can never get close to anyone but Hades. No one can save you.

It was the dead of night, all was still. You were still awake though, the thoughts of your real mother kept you up. You know how sad she must be, most likely broken from thinking you're dead. "Oh Flora, look at the poor dear. So afraid and exhausted" You were cut off from your thoughts and looked up. There were three balls of light that shined Red, Blue, and Green. "W-Who said that?" You said as you wiped a tear. The balls of light came down and turned into 3 older women. "I'm Flora" the red one said "This is Merryweather" Flora pointed to the blue one, she was smaller then the other two. "And this here is Fauna" the green one had given you a slight curtsy "It's real nice to meet you ms. (Y/N)" Fauna said. "You guys know my name?" "We sure do, we saw what Maleficent did to that boy you had fallen in love with. We're so sorry we didn't save you sooner." "Wait, you guys are gonna get me out of here? How?" "Just follow us and be very quiet" You nodded your head. Sneaking around the castle was heart wrenching, there so many of Maleficent's minions and there was Maleficent herself. One false move and you all would be done for. Though despite all that, you made it to the front gate of the castle. "So far so good" Flora said quietly. "Now all we need to do is-" "(Y/N)!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" You all look back, horrified. "She knows! We must hurry!" Merryweather said in a quiet panicked voice. Flora had made a horse for you to get away on while they flew along side you. Maleficent got on the highest tower of the castle, hell have no fury over hers. Waving her staff around, she sent a wall of thorns your way, blocking your escape. Your horse was torn to bits by the sudden rise of thorns, you were stuck. "Uh g-guys! I need some help!" Fauna quickly came to your aid, "Don't worry, I'll turn you into a little mouse I can put in my pocket!" And a mouse you became. By some miracle, you got away to this little cottage that was far away from Maleficent. Fauna quickly turned you back to your normal self. "Alright girls, let's brainstorm. Maleficent will be hunting for (Y/N) relentlessly so we have to think fast. (Y/N), do you perhaps have a home to go to?" Flora asked. You could only look down "I do, but Maleficent knows where I live. It would be dangerous to go there." "Well.... I guess you can hide here for a while. Maleficent doesn't know about this place." For about a week you stayed, hiding. Fearing Maleficent would find you again. "(Y/N), I know what I am asking is risky, but we need you to pick some berries for this spell we are working on. It will help you get away from Maleficent for good." Flora said as she put a cowl over your head. You took a deep breath and headed off.
(Maleficent POV)
How dare those wenches take my (Y/N) away. I knew I should've killed them from the start. I was hoping they would bring (Y/N) to her old house so I could ambush them. They never came though, but I at least took down an old obstacle. The whore (Y/N) called mother, well, used to anyway. "We found them O Mistress, in the old wood cutters cottage." "Very well, take me to them." They'll pay for taking my baby away.
(3rd person POV)
It took you 15 minutes to find and pick berries, you hoped it was all worth it. Coming back to the cottage felt off then before, like something was wrong. It could just be jitters from your fear of Maleficent, so you moved on. "Flora, I'm back. I got the berries you wanted." Complete silence, with a rich iron smell. "Flora? You there? Merryweather? Fauna?" You didn't see where you walking and stepped on some water, nearly slipping. "What the?" You looked down and gasped. Blood. You realized your predicament, "Mother?" A soft green glow came from the corner across from you, "Yes dear?" "D-did you... do this? Did you kill them?" "I had to, they tried to take you away from me. You know how I feel when something like this happens." She slowly moved towards you until she was right in front of you. "We're going home. No questions."

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