Someone tries to save you Pt. 2

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Iago, Jafar's parrot, finally had enough of the obsession with you. He was tired of Jafar going on and on about you. He was tired of having to hear your cry after being put in the personal jail for stepping slightly out of line. Tired of it all. So he brainstorms ideas to get you out.
"So here's the deal. I get ya outta this dump and you never come back, got it?" "Yes! Of course! I'll be out of your feathers forever! How are we gonna pull this off?" "Reeeeaaaal simple. Jafar sleeps at 9:00 sharp, the guards rotate around 9:30 so that will be our time to go." "Great, but doesn't Jafar check on me?" "Straw puppet. Like I said, have it all figured out. All you have to do is stay awake." "Ok"
Night came. You were a nervous wreck, Jafar could be quite, unpredictable. Sure the straw puppet looked real enough at a distance, but Jafar wasn't stupid. Carefully making sure you movement was as quiet as possible, you snuck out the door of Jafar's room. You meet up with Iago near the entrance. "Alright rug rat, you ready?" "Yea birdbrain, sure am." Iago peeked behind the pillar and looked all around. "Coast is clear" You quietly ran while Iago flies to the entrance. You were almost there, you could practically taste your freedom. "GUARDS!!! FIND (Y/N)! SHE HAS RUN OFF AGAIN!" You looked back in horror. Shit this was too soon. "(Y/N) run!" Iago said. You sprinted, faster than you ever have before. You made it to the town, the cool sand slowing you down. You believed you could possibly hide in the broken down area of Agrabah. An old almost collapsed building looked good for the most part, Jafar would think you were smart enough to not hide in there. Now all you had to do was wait out the guards and make a run for the nearest airport.
(Jafar's POV)
Arrghhh! How could she run away again?! Why didn't Iago warn me?! "IAGO! COME HERE NOW!" That treacherous parrot came flying in cautiously. "Hey Jafar, buddy, old chum! Feeling ok? Under control? Non-violent?" I simply grab him by his fat neck, "Tell me Iago, why didn't you warn me about (Y/N) sneaking off? Better yet, why weren't you in the room when this was all happening?" Iago eyes darted to all corners of the room. "Well I uh... I had to get some water! You know how thirsty I get at night." I glared at him "No. I don't. STOP LYING!!" I threw him down at the ground, the bottom of my staff at his belly. "TELL ME WHERE SHE WENT AT ONCE YOU'LL PAY DEARLY FOR IT!!" "Ok ok! *sigh* she ran off to the abandoned buildings, south of Agrabah. That's all I know I swear!" "That's the last thing you'll ever know." I squashed Iago till he was nothing but a fine mush. (Y/N). You have better hope that you are well hidden.
(Back to you)
You were on the verge of a panic attack, Iago was supposed to come back. He was gonna tell you whether or not it was safe. "Oh (Y/N)... I know you're here.. come out and you'll spend less time in the dungeon then you are right now~" No.. how did he know? You tried to quietly crawl out the window, but ended up stepping on something sharp. You winced loudly, it pierced your foot deep. "AH HA! There you are you little- *loud gasp* (Y/N)! Oh Allah, you are hurt! Why would you hide in an abandoned building of all places?! I know you aren't stupid (Y/N) yet you do foolish things." He pinched your hurt foot, you loudly let out a scream of pain. "STOP PLEASE! YOU WIN, I WON'T RUN AWAY ANYMORE! JUST PLEASE STOP HURTING ME!!" He let go, carefully lifting you up. "That's much better, you need to realize that I do certain things to you because I care. I hate having to punish you almost everyday, but it's for your own safety." He begins to walk out the building continuing his sentence, "You will stop hanging out with Jasmine. She is nothing but a bad influence. For now on you will be by my side at all times, you will not speak to anyone but me. Understand?" You gave a look of true defeat "yes.... father" Jafar gives off a chuckle before it transpires to a maniacal laugh.

Cruelle de Vil
You had begin noting down the pattern Cruelle usually followed day after day. Wake up at 7:30- 8:00, get dressed which took 15 minutes, come out and get breakfast prepared for you, check every lock on the doors and windows, leave for work while locking the front doors. No one can save you, only yourself. "Goodbye darling! I'm off to work!" "Ok bye!" Hearing the door close, you got ready. You knew Cruelle wouldn't be able to do anything if you made it back to Uncle Roger's place. Grabbing a bag filled with water, food, an extra set of clothes, a map, and some cash, you waited for Cruelle to be completely out of site. You lock picked the back door and headed out the snowy wasteland. You wish you could save the puppies, but there were in an entirely different place. You'd have to wait till you get back to Uncle Roger and tell him where they are.
After an hour or so in the snow, you began to hear the familiar sound of a certain car engine. Panicked, you hid behind a wall of bushes, making sure to cover up your footprints. The car seemed to slow down to where you'd be walking, but sped up when going past it. You let out a sigh of relief, you looked at your map. You were at least 5 miles from the next town. Perfect! You could make a phone call from there!
Upon arrival to the town, you immediately went to a restaurant to see if you can call Uncle Roger. "Excuse me, sir? Can I please use your phone? I really need to contact someone." "Yea sure, phones in the back." "Great thanks." You began dialing the number for Uncle Roger. *Ring Ring Ring*
-Uncle Roger! Thank god!
-(Y/N)?! Oh my goodness! Where are you?!
-Cruelle took me! The she-devil herself! I'm somewhere in Dinsford, you have to come quick. I think Cruelle may have caught on to me escaping.
-Dinsford you said? Alright I'll leave right away!
You both hung up.
An hour later, you hear Roger pull up. You dashed out the restaurant, connecting arms with Roger. It was a tight hug. "(Y/N)! I'm so glad you're alright! We must leave quickly." You both loaded into the car and headed back to London. Driving for only a few minutes, something hit you from behind. You look back to Cruelle's car hitting you from the back. "Step on it!" "This car is going as fast it can!" A couple more hits swerved you off the road. You were knocked out.
You awake with a splitting headache and pain in your right leg. You couldn't move your left, because it was tied to a bed post. "Well, do want to explain to me why you were out of the house?" You hear Cruelle say angrily. "I-I'm tired of staying here. All day. Every day. What happened to Uncle Roger?" She took a long drag from her cigarette, "I made sure he couldn't survive the crash." You gasped in horror. Did she really kill him? No, she has to be bluffing, she isn't that strong at all. That's when you saw the revolver in her purse. "(Y/N), I'm going to make this very clear, I love you as much as I love furs. So that means... I'm never letting you go."

Dr. Facilier
A warm night in Louisiana, you began quietly packing to escape. Facilier went to a party and trusted you enough to stay put. Carefully sneaking out the window, you headed straight for the ferry boats. Just one boat ride and you are out of range from him and his 'friends'. "Hello ma'am, ticket to?" "Mississippi please" you pay the toll and receive your ticket. "Have a safe ferry and a wonderful time in Mississippi miss!"
It took 15 minutes for the ferry to get here. Boarding up, you realize that Facilier could come back any moment. You but a hat on, hood up, and took your seat in the middle. Believing it would make you harder to spot.
You began remembering your plan, "Take a ferry to Mississippi, and get a train to Kentucky." Is what you recited in your head. The ferry was hit hard on its side, rocking the boat entirely. You were hoping that it was just some gators, but sadly, you were wrong. There was another hit on the other side, crew mates ran out and started getting life boats together. You ran to the one of sides of the ferry and saw a giant hole, one too big for a gator to make. You were escorted to life boat. "Alright everyone! Stay calm and we'll fine." Is what the crew mate assigned to your life boat said.
When rowing to shore, a life boat immediately went under. And then another and another and a another. One by one until the life boat you were on was the only one. The other passengers on your boat were looking all around to see what was causing it. But you damn well knew. It's obvious that Facilier came back to a empty home and immediately took action. You felt like you were picked up and tossed in the air. The crew mate grabbed you by the feet to try and pull you back. The being didn't like that, so it cut both his arms off. Screaming in agony, the crew mate fell in the water and promptly drowned. While being carried away, the life boat you were on sank in a second. You cried, you knew going back to Facilier will be absolutely damaging, no matter how prepared you think you are. You can never leave.

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