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My family decided to take a trip to Greece for the summer. We were staying for a couple of weeks so I had to make the best of it. I've heard the temple of Hades, The Nekromanteion, was a site to see. I went at night to be by myself, when I got there I heard some strange noises. I investigate only to see two....demons? "Watch it Pain!" the blue one said " Well maybe if you weren't so slow, we wouldn't be having this problem Panic!" 'Pain' shouted back. I stared bewildered, what is going on? I gotta get outta here! Just as I was backing away though, something bumped me from behind. "And what are you doing here?" I turn around only to see a grey skined man with flaming blue hair, i think that's actually fire, wearing a black toga with smoke surrounding him. "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't see anything! I'll leave!" but before I could the back of my shirt was yanked back. "Now now hold on a second, what in the gods name were you doing here, at night, alone?" he asked "Well I wanted to get pictures of the temple of Hades but I wanted to be alone, so I went at night..." The man smirked and grabbed my camera "Say underworld kiddo" "Wha-" he pointed the camera at him and I and took a selfie. He gave me back the camera "There, you got something better than just some statue." he said as he walked away "I don't even know who you are." "Ah right, names Hades, Lord of the Dead." I stared wide eyed, there is no way this guy was the actual god. Then again that would explain the flaming hair. "And you are?" "Oh I'm (Y/N), uh nice to meet you?". He smiled with his eyes half lidded "Cute name, how old are you?" "I'm 14 sir" I looked at my watch, oh god(s) its 3:00 am! "Oh sorry sir I have to go! Bye Hades!" "Come back tomorrow night!" "I'll see if I can" and with that I ran back to the hotel, unknowing the dark smirk that was behind me.


My mother and I have always wanted to be isolated from everyone, so we moved out into the wilderness. It was beautiful! "(Y/N), did you know that there is an old abandoned castle south of these woods? Think it's something worth checking out?" My mom knows I'm an urban explorer so obviously I got ready. I got ready and head off south. About half-way through, I got lost. Great (Y/N), just great, you're gonna die in the woods and no one will ever find your body. All of a sudden, I heard rustling in the trees behind me. I slowly turn around to see a raven, never seen one before. I stared at me with curiosity and I at it. "Beautiful isn't he?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turn around to see a green skinned woman dressed in all black, and I think those are horns on her head. Oh god is she a demon?! "Uh yea, he is..... Who are you?" " I'm Maleficent child, now who are you." Maleficent asks pointing her big septer at me. "I'm (Y/N) ma'am." "Polite I see, where are you heading?" "I'm looking for an old castle but I got lost." She give me a confused look "Do you perhaps mean my home?" "Well if you live in an old castle I guess so." She gives me a smile that gave me goosebumps. "Well if it's a castle you seek, come by the 3 way waterfall tomorrow. I'll take you to the castle." "Why not today?" "I am far too busy today" "Oh well, goodbye!" "Bye". Off I went, managed to find my way home. Although when going home, I felt eyes on me the entire time.


Living by the beach was amazing. The ocean breeze, the roaring waves, soft sand, what more could a girl want! Though since I've lived here, locals have warned me and my dad to never go near the west tide pools. They say many people have disappeared going there. So I know what I'm doing today. I make my down there very early in the morning, the cold breeze brushing my skin, leaving goosebumps where they touch. I finally make it there and see nothing, maybe this place is just a popular suicide spot? I began to head back but then I hear a dark chuckle from down below. "Well well well, look at what we have here boys." I look down at the water and see a fat woman with two large eels at her sides. "Uh are you alright down there miss?" I ask "I am but you won't" and with that a large black tentacle came up and grabbed my left ankle. It started to drag me to the water. In a blind panic, I grabbed the nearest rock and stabbed the tentacle. I hear a pained scream and the tentacle retreated back to the water. I took that opportunity and ran back home, feeling eyes on me till I got there.


My dad had insisted that we go to Aggrabah for a 2 weeks to do business with the Sultan. I don't get it though, we have many other countries to business, why go to a poor kingdom? Well not like I can do anything about it. To him it's all business, poor or rich. We arrive in Aggrabah and are escorted to the palace. There we are greeted by his adviser, Jafar. I didn't trust him, not for one second.  He gave off all the wrong vibes, dressing in all black and red, a snake staff to top it all off. While my dad and the Sultan were talking, Jafar would glance at me from time to time, smirking as he did. His parrot was confused about this as I was, when will this meeting end. Finally, it had ended. We were then escorted to our rooms, I was last receive mine. Unfortunately, It was right next to Jafar's. "If you ever need anything young lady, I'll be right next store." He walked off with a dark smile, leaving me uneasy.

Cruella de vil

I'm visiting my Uncle Roger for christmas. I'm very excited, I haven't seen him or my new Aunt Anita or the dogs in so long! Perdy was expecting in about 3 weeks, so I've been doing everything I can to make her as comfortable as possible. That was until we heard screeching tires in the distance, causing Perdy to run off. "Why Anita I do believe that would be your old school mate, Cruella de vil." uncle Roger said who then proceed to sing a song on how scary she was. We hear someone slamming the door open "ANITA DARLING~!" I hear a older woman saw. I comes this skeleton of a woman wearing a giant fur coat. She was looking around the room until her eyes landed on me. "Anita! You didn't tell me you had a daughter!" "Oh I'm not her daughter miss. I'm (Y/N), Roger's niece. It's nice to meet you" Cruella looked at me and then laughed. "What's so funny?" Anita asked "Oh ho there's no way she came from Roger's side of the family. She's far to cute and polite." I sorta blush at the statement but was a taken back. She began to look around again, "What are you looking for?" I ask "Well the puppies of course! Where are they?" "Oh Cruella, it won't be for another 3 weeks." Anita responded. "Well you will let me know when they arrive won't you? Goodbye! Goodbye darlings!" She pinches me in the cheeks before heading off. I rub my cheeks because of the new found pain.

Dr. Facilier

My mom and I are visiting New Orleans to stay with my grandma for 2 weeks. "(Y/N)! Get in here!" my grandma called "Yes grandma?" "You should go out and explore the town. Take some money and have fun." She gives me $40 and leads me to the door. "Thanks gram!" I kiss her cheek "Bye" "Now you come back before the sun sets you hear? Bye!" I go into town to hear large amounts of Jazz music. Restaurants and clothing stores galore is all I see. There must be something else here. Suddenly I trip over someones foot. "Sorry miss, didn't see you there" I look and see a tall, dark man wearing a purple vest, a black trench coat, as well as a tall black top hot. "Names Dr. Facilier, you must be (Y/N), right?" I give him a bewildered look "How do you know that?" "Well you see, I'm a magic man. I can do all sorts of stuff! What to come see?" He offered his hand to me. I was hesitant but took it anyway. He lead me to some voodoo shop where I swore I heard other peoples voice's but could never see them. He sat me down at his table where he set up a bunch cards "Pick 3" I took 3 random cards and gave them to him. "Lets see....AH HA! Your're from (place), you are visiting your grandma for 2 weeks. In your future, you will have a life-changing experience, a good one at that!" I was thrilled to hear "Oh wow really?! Hope it comes soon! "Oh it will (Y/N), it most certainly will" he said with a dark grin "So how much do I owe you" I say pulling out the money I had gotten from grandma "For you, no charge." I gave him a surprised look "Surely I must pay!" "No no, keep your money. Now run along." With that, I walk out the shop feeling happy but at the same time.....uneasy.

Finally got done with this! Sorry if it's too long.

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