Second Meeting/ Stalking

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I stared at the picture from last night, still in awe that I had somehow met an actual god. To be honest, I've never believed in the gods, but now? I don't know what to think. I agreed to meet Hades again tonight but something about him was off. I was forced out of thinking when I heard tapping at the hotel window. It was, from what I can remember, Pain and Panic. "Come with us, Hades wants to see you." Panic said "Yea so get a move on sister!" Pain finished. "Ok ok I'm coming." I carefully crawled out the window and follow Pain and Panic back to the temple. There I was met with a smirking god, "If it isn't miss (Y/N), how ya doin?" "Uh good I guess?" The feeling I had about him didn't go away, in fact it got worse seeing him face to face. I guess my discomfort was visible, "Hey loosen up babe, what is it hot in here?" he snapped his fingers and all of a sudden it got cold. I didn't even notice how hot it was before. "Now tell me all about your day, every little detail." I told everything about my day, I didn't think I had any other choice for that matter. "Ok there that was my day, ummm can I go back to my hotel now? It's late." He looked disappointed, "Now why would you want to leave? You know it's not everyday a mortal sees a god. You should be honored really. And why even go back? That old hotel couldn't possibly be better then here." I sighed, I know he's guilt tripping me but- wait. A sudden realization came upon me. "How did you know which hotel I was staying at? I never once told you" He froze, he tugged on his toga, "Now now hold on I can explain! I'm a god remember I know everything that's happening in Greece right now!" "Oh yeah? What's happening in Athens right now?" "Uhh well, s-someone is getting..... murdered! Yes murder!" I started back away "Well that's uh bad but I still really should be going." I took off in a full sprint back to the hotel.

This Maleficent lady told me to meet her at the 3 way water fall right? Where ever that is. I've only just moved in I don't know where everything is. I heard cawing above me. It was that raven I saw yesterday! It circled around me then flew off in a another direction. I followed it for while until I saw the 3 way water fall. It was beautiful, like something out of a, fairytale. "Ah I see you have finally arrived, did you get lost?" It was Maleficent "Yea I did, I don't know the area very well" "Well all that matters is that you're here, safe and sound, with me" I swore I heard something after that sound part but it was whispered. "Now then ms. (Y/N), shall I show you my castle?" My eyes lit up "Oh yes please!" Maleficent chuckled and grabbed my hand. I don't know why but when she grabbed me something felt off, I brushed it off as nothing. It took us an hour to get there but eventually we made it. The castle was all broken down, it looked like a battle took place here. The sun didn't seem to shine here as well, a bit odd but I've seen creeper. She led me inside, the inside is just as broken down as the outside. We were in a big chamber, I saw movement in the darkness. I stopped, realizing I was surrounded. Maleficent looked back and saw my frightened expression, her face quickly turned to one of anger "You worthless idiots! How dare you scare our wonderful guest!" With that she raised her staff and shot lightening throughout all parts of the chamber, many creatures running away from her. I ducked down so I wouldn't get hit. I felt a tapping on my shoulder, "It's ok my dear, you can get up now" She helped me up "Now let's continue" I saw almost every part of the castle, the throne room, the kitchen, even hallway (which was ungodly long). "(Y/N)" "Yea?" "There's one part of the castle I haven't shown you yet, I think you will very much like it" I followed her all the to what looked like a dungeon. "Wow this place is huge! Have you ever kept someone here" I said jokingly. "Yes in fact I have, many people" I stared at her in shock "I have kept many who have wronged me, I've even kept a prince in here once. But I just recently caught someone" I started to back away, suddenly realizing my situation,"You" I tried to run but the back of my shirt was grabbed. I screamed and flailed around but I was no match to her. She threw me in a cell and locked it.

Ursula (POV)
A couple days passed since that brat stabbed my tentacle and ran away. I know where she lives thanks to Jetsam and Flotsam, but she is surprisingly a lot farther up on the beach then I realized. Worst part is that she refuses to go near the water. You know, I would usually let something like this go, but something about that girl makes stalk her house everyday. I should really move on but she intrigues me, she is the only one to get away from me. Maybe I should stalk her a bit more, I need to find a weakness to her bravery.


Yesterday was beyond weird, I saw the advisor, Jafar, continually flash his snake staff at the sultan. The sultan would then immediately go along with what he was saying. I tried to tell my dad and the sultan about it, but they never believe me. I had my head against my hand on the balcony of my room, but then I heard someone walking towards me. I look behind me and it's none other Jafar. God he creeps me out. "Good evening ms. (Y/N), I hope you're having a good day?" He said with that hideous smirk "Uh yea I am (was)" he came right beside me, has he never heard about personal space? "I hear that you are spreading rumors of me hypnotizing our dear sultan" My eyes widened "And you know it's quite rude to spread such a nasty rumor! Why I could just cry from the accusation!" He made fake cry sounds."Look something like that would work on like a 5 year old but I'm a lot older than that. I know what I saw, that snake staff is more than a staff." He looked a bit annoyed but then changed it to happiness "Oh well, no matter how many times you say you saw me do it, you can't prove it" I wanted to object but i knew he was right, my word wasn't enough. He grabbed my chin to make me face him "Now be a good girl and keep your mouth shut"  He smiled and walked away. Oh don't you worry Jafar, I intend on bringing evidence the next time I catch you.
In that case
Cruelle de Vil
Since that encounter with Cruelle, I haven't had the sense of being alone. I always look around and can never find anyone looking at me. It wasn't until Perdita had her puppies did it go away. A storm was blowing, but our spirits were lifted as soon as my uncle Roger and I heard the Nanny announce that the first puppy was born. Then 8, then 14, and then 15 total. We had thought we lost the 15th puppy but Roger saved him! Our excitement was cut short when we heard a bang on the door."15 puppies? Oh how marvelous! How- Euhhh! There are no spots on the puppy, just a little white rat!" "They'll get their spots, just you wait!" Nanny yelled back. "It'll be a week or two before they get them Ms. Cruelle" I answered. She smiled at me "Oh thank you dear, in that case I'll take the whole litter" that comment ensued an argument between uncle Roger and Cruelle. "Fine, do what you want them, drown them! But I warn you Anita we're through. I'm through with all of you." She looked at me "Well... maybe not you, but rest you are cut off from me!" She left slamming the door, breaking the glass.

I'm walking around town again but with my mom this time. We passed by a alley way that I remembered very well. "Hey mom wait, this is where I meet that Facilier guy, you know the guy who read my future for free?" My mom rolled her eyes and chuckled "Oh honey, you can't believe that. There are plenty of "fortune tellers" here that would've told you the same thing." "Can I at least pop my head in and say hi?" "Hmmm fine but be quick" I ran to the door and tried to open it. It's locked. "Darn I was hopeful that he would be here. Oh well" I walked back to my mom and continued our shopping, but not without feeling many eyes on me while doing so.

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