Yandere! Platonic!All Villians x Shy! Fem! Child!Reader

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This is for joannliew! Thank you for the request! For context: You are 12 years old, this takes place as if the villains are real in Disneyland, this is a one shot, it's in your perspective, this also takes place during a colder season (just for clothing choices). Alright enjoy! Also sorry if I don't include a possible favorite villain I only know so many
"(Y/N)! Come here please!" My mom called. I put down my Nintendo switch and walk to the kitchen. Passing these empty halls... I wished I had like a little brother or sister, but mom and dad only wanted one child. We don't even have a pet of any kind! "Yea mom?" Mom and Dad looked at each other, both smiling from ear to ear. "I just won us a free 3-day vacation to Disneyland! We leave tomorrow so pack your bags!" My dad shouted excitedly. I beamed with joy, I've never been to a popular amusement park! But.... I hear they're notorious for crazy crowds. I don't do well in those. I shuddered at the thought of having to be shoulder to shoulder with random people. I put on a happy face as I walked back to my bedroom. You know what? Crowds are gonna be there, whether I want them to be or not. So I need to get over it and put on a brave face. That's what my hero Hercules would do!
Halfway into packing, I wondered "Maybe if I watch a couple of Disneyland videos, I'll get more excited for this trip" I put down the last t-shirt and pull out my phone. I go to YouTube *5 videos later* oh not bad! Looks like I'll actually get to meet Hercules, and it's not someone in a costume and all of the rides look super fun. Oh? What's this video? *5 minutes later* I stare in horror at my phone. Of course the villains are real, if already having to deal with crowds wasn't enough, throw them into the mix. Technically, I don't have to interact with them, so that's good at least. Still....
(Next day)
I was helping Dad load up the car while Mom was typing in the GPS. Even though I gave myself that pep talk yesterday, I was still terrified. The villains had always scared me in the movies, even when they were trying to be funny. I guess Dad noticed my discomfort, "Hey (Y/N), I know the crowds are hectic there, but I promise you it will be the best time of your life!" "Hm? Oh no I'm not worried about the crowds, I watched a couple videos last night about Disneyland, it's definitely worth the trouble. I can even meet Hercules! It's just that.... all the bad guys are there too. Can we please avoid them?" "Oh of course! Though if they come up to us, which know that it's probably unlikely, we'll have to come up with excuses to get away." He gave me a reassuring smile. I'm glad he understood. Mom did too. After all, they both did have to comfort me after I had had a nightmare about every time I watched a Disney movie.
After 3 hours of driving and checking in to the hotel, we finally got into the park itself. It was still early in the morning so it wasn't too busy. We had tried to bust out most of the rides so we don't have to wait. But everyone seemed to have the same idea. Waiting in line, a very loud cackle came from behind us. My eyes widened as I recognize that laugh. I look behind and saw the one and only, Maleficent. She scared me the most out of any of the villains. I quickly hid behind dad, hoping she wouldn't see me. I hear her heels and staff clinking on the ground, she was getting closer. "Oh? What's this?" She's right in front of me. Excuse my language: Fuck. I peeked my eyes out only to see Maleficent staring right at me. I quickly retreat back behind dad, only to hear Maleficent chuckle. "A child, cowering before me. Oho! I've missed that! Come on out, I don't bite~" "Uh excuse me, please don't antagonize my daughter. Thank you." I hear mom say sternly. I peek back out to see Mom and Maleficent having a glaring contest. "Fine. I'll go." Maleficent took one more look at me before leaving. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" Dad asked "y-yea, I'm ok. Thanks mom." "No problem sweetie!" If only we were aware of the witch that listened in on us.
(Some hours later)
After that incident with Maleficent, I've stayed very close to my parents. We have been running into more and more villains such as Facilier, Gaston, Ursula, Cruelle de Vil, Scar, the Evil Queen, Lady Termaine with her daughters, Queen of Hearts, and Jafar. Both of my parents had protected me from them, until we got separated. I kept getting knocked around by on going guest that I didn't realize that I was pushed away from my parents. I quickly found myself a little ally, which I'm sure was a smoking section. After sitting down in the furthest corner, I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them tight. My phone was dead and I was sure to die out there in that traffic jam of a crowd. I'm alone..... I silently wept. I.... feel hot all of a sudden? In 50 degree weather? "Soooo you done doing whatever it is you're doing now or?" I look up with redden cheeks, only to see the one and only, Hades. I guess he's allowed to smoke cigars here. A gut feeling told me to get away as fast as I can. I try to get up and walk away, only to realize that I'm completely cornered by him. "Sorry, I-I just got lost. I'll get out of your Uh hair." Before I was completely past him, he grabbed my upper arm. "Wait wait wait, hold on. You fit the description of that kid Maleficent was talking about. HA! What are the odds of that." Maleficent talked about me to Hades? Why? She meets kids everyday, why am I so significant? I didn't even notice Hades pulling me along with him to the crowd. "Huh? What are you doing?" "Taking you to a kiss as- I mean employee. You said you were lost. Hiding in a corner doesn't solve your problem kid." He walked me up to this teenager who seemed like she would rather be doing anything else at the moment. "Brittany, yeah hey, lost kid here, do your job" Hades said with much sass. Brittany huffed and brought her walkie talkie close and spoke. Even though Brittany clearly had things under control, Hades stayed. He asked a lot of questions about me, I didn't answer many of them. Even though my fear and discomfort was very noticeable, Hades still kept on asking, until my parents got here. "Oh thank goodness you're ok (Y/N)! We were worried sick!" I hear mom say. I quickly go over to them and hug them. "Pffft, no wonder she's scared of every little thing. She's got overbearing pansies for parents!" I looked over at Hades with wide eyes. Did he.. just insult mom and dad? "And what exactly do you mean by overbearing pansies, oh so called great and powerful god of the underworld." Dad said very angrily. If there was one thing that ticked dad off the most, it was someone basically calling him a bad parent. "Oh buddy, I AM great and powerful. And I mean, is that little (Y/N) here, doesn't know jack squat on showing a little bravery, and who's to blame? The parents of course!" Hades said with his flames slowly spreading on his body, but he still kept a cocky smile on his face. Dad and Hades were practically face to face at this point. "David knock it off! People are staring, don't fight what's not real." Mom said tugging on dads arm. Hades was glowing red with anger all the while Brittany was just chewing gum, staring off into the distance. Mom and dad dragged me away, but I quickly gave Hades a thank you for helping me without them noticing, even though I was scared the whole time, he still deserved a thank you. This seemed to calm him down and return a closed smile to me.
Getting back to the hotel, I ponder on the fact that Maleficent had told Hades about me. Was it only Hades or did she tell more villains? Not like it probably matters now, Hades definitely ranted about my parents to the other villains at this point. Maybe tomorrow will be better? I was trying to sleep but it was difficult due to the fact that I felt like someone was watching me. Funny thing is though, is that I felt like this too after the Maleficent encounter. Perhaps it's only my paranoia. I closed the curtains to my room and the feeling went away.
(Day 2)
It was much colder today than what it was yesterday. Dad had to stay back at the hotel because work unexpectedly needed him so it was just Mom and I for now. Just like yesterday, I got separated from her. To avoid having to possibly interact with another villain, I searched for an employee on my own. I was looking side to side so I didn't think to look in front of me. Bumping into someone, I fell on my butt. "What the- oh it's you again." I look up to see Hades, of course this had to happen twice. Hades knelt down to my level, "Are you lost? Again? Is this gonna happen a lot? Are your mom and dad that incompetent that they lose you every day?" "N-no, this doesn't usually happen. I keep getting pushed around by everybody here that I lose track of them. I can just find a worker here to help so you don't have to." He helped me up "Nah, follow me. Ain't got much better do." He tugged me along with him to a remote area. Strange, why is there no people here? He brought me to this door, just before he can open it, someone on the other side did. It was Captain Hook, he looked surprised at Hades. "Hades? You're back already?" "Yeah I guess, look who I brought" I was hiding behind him, Hades went behind me so that way I was between him and Hook now. "Is that?" "Yep, (Y/N) herself." They know my name? After just hearing it one time, you'd think they would forget. More importantly, they're talking about me as if they were almost expecting me. "Swakle me eyes it is her! Maleficent and Hades here have talked about you. Come on in!" Hades was pushing me in to what looked like some pub. A villains only pub. They were all chatting away about god knows what. "Attention everyone! Look who's here!" The chatting stopped as everyone turned to look at me. I squirmed in Hades's grip, but he was a lot stronger then me and held me in place. A few of the villains laughed at my resistance. Hades continued to push me to a table booth. He sat down across from me, along side was Maleficent herself. "So miss (Y/N), tell us about yourself. Why do you cower when we are near? Are we that intimating~?" This earned another round of laughs from the villains. " We-Well it's just that every time I watch a movie with you guys in it, I get a nightmare." Jafar slide next to me, "You encountered us yesterday correct? Did you have a night terror last night from it?" Come to think about it, I didn't. I would think that actually meeting them would be traumatizing, and yet not a single bad dream had occurred upon me. "No.. I guess not. But just one question, if I may." "You may" the Evil Queen answered. "Why do you guys remember my name so well? I've only met each of you once, some of you I've never met at all. The only person here that's heard of my name is Hades. But that was only one time. Why do you remember it so well? Hell, why do you remember me so well?" "Young girls shouldn't curse" Cruelle stated, completely blowing off my questions. "Hell ain't that big of a cuss Cruelle. Calm down." Alameda slim retorted back to her. This started the argument between all of the villains on whether or not it was alright for me to swear. They're not my parents though, why would they think that they have a say in the matter. "guys" they ignored me. "Guys" ignored again. I'm getting annoyed by this, my questions have gone unanswered and they were acting as if they had any control over me. "GUYS!" That got their attention. "Sorry (Y/N), you were saying?" Facilier said. "I asked why you remember me and my name so well. You meet kids my age every day, why am I so significant?" "Well it's pretty easy to recognize you because of how your parents acted yesterday." Maleficent answered. "Yeah, like a bunch of bratty kids" Hades said along side her. Bratty kids? But Hades insulted them. Their reaction was completely reasonable. I feel a vibration in my pocket, oh right my phone! I pull it up, it's text from my mom asking where I am. "I should really get going. Maybe I'll see you guys around the park?" I try to get out of the booth, but Gaston and Mother Gothel sit right next to me, blocking my exit. Scar was under the table, blocking me from going under. "You only just got here! Stay a just a little longer, we want to chat more." Gothel said in a sickly sweet voice. This is suffocating! I felt someone grab my phone from my hand. "You kids today pay too much attention to these" Ernesto de la Cruz said handing the phone to Hades. "Humans really shouldn't have this much information at their fingertips." Hades said as he melted the phone in the palm of his hand. Were they that serious about me staying?
(Couple hours later)
So here I am, locked in a place where I shouldn't be. The villains eventually had to go out and walk around, but there would always be at least one left behind to watch me. The three currently doing that were Captain Silver, Hans, and Lady Termaine. The TV was on for me to watch, all it is is re-runs of Disney cartoons. I'm bored as hell and my mind keeps wandering to what my mom and dad are thinking at the moment. Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Here I'll get it" Hans said as he got up. He opened the door to see a security guard, looking pretty pissed off. "Let the girl out, I know she's in here." "Why what do you mean? It's just me, Silver and Termaine in here." "Don't play coy with me Hans, I saw her on the security cams. I will use force if I have too." Silver escorted me to the door "No point in trying to lie there lad, sorry sir" I could tell Silver himself was lying but it didn't really matter at this point. The guard, Hank, grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them. I look back and see Hans glaring at Hank but Silver pulled him back.
My parents were outraged about what happened. The villains basically kidnapped me, destroyed my phone, and have generally ruined the vacation. The owner had apologized profusely and payed for the damages and legal fees. We left Disneyland entirely, no way in hell we were going back anytime soon.
(Back to the villains, Maleficent's POV)
I come back to the pub and what do I find out? That (Y/N) was taken away and her family had left all together. "See? This is why I said we should've waited. Now she's gone!" I yell at Hades. "Relax! You thought I would take her without a plan? I've had Pain and Panic following her this whole time, all they have to do is call us on where she is." I was surprised, a bit annoyed that we were left out of this plan, but nonetheless impressed. *Ring ring ring* Hades gave me this shit-eating grin. "Well Hades, I suppose your plan worked, how far away is she?" "About 3 hours." "Yes yes while you two are discussing this, how in the world are we supposed to retrieve her?" Jafar asked. That is a good point, employees usually check on us. "Oh! Oh! I'll create copies of us! They last about 8 hours so we have to be quick." Mim suggested. "Yea we'll do that and I think there's a spare van in the big garage." Facilier added. "Well then what are we waiting for? We must get ready."
(Back to you)
After unpacking and eating the Taco Bell we picked up on the way, I got ready for bed. (Your pjs)

 (Your pjs)

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11:37. I wake up to hear a car pull in our driveway. Strange, I'm sure mom and dad didn't leave for something, who could it possibly be? I take a peek out the window. No..... there's no way. No way I'm seeing this right. The...villains? I hear the front doors break down. I panic and hide in the safety room my dad built for me. I can hear Dad yelling while Mom was threatening to call the cops. I basically turn myself into a small ball, hoping this was just some horrible nightmare.
"YOU MISERABLE FOOLS!! DID YOU THINK YOU COULD KEEP (Y/N) AWAY FROM US?! YOU WILL PAY FOR TRYING!" That was Maleficent.I hear my parents scream in agony. Oh please god just let this end! "Spread out, any one of these rooms could contain (Y/N)!" Hades had shouted. Wait there's a window in here! Maybe I can sneak out. But if there's more outside? I couldn't possibly outrun a lion, tiger, or mercenaries. On top of that, I'm on the second floor. Fuck it. I tie some spare rope that was in here to the door knob and slowly climb down. I dropped to the ground and made a dash to the woods. I would run to my neighbors, but our houses are spaced out to be 5 miles apart. I know of an old cabin out here that I could hide in for the time being.
(Villains, Hades POV)
Where the hell is she? She has to be in this house! "PAIN! PANIC!" I hear them scrambling in, "You have been here longer, where is her room?" "It's over that way but we checked all around there!" Pain said. "That you Hades? Come here real fast." Ernesto had shouted from down the hall. "Yea what is it?" "Isn't strange how in this whole house, this is the only locked door?" "Well then that just means we've found where she is!" I knock on the door gently, "Oh (Y/N)! It's just us, you can come out! It's safe!" "Come on pequeña joya, you can trust us." No answer. Figures. She probably is just scared. "This place is fuckin tacky!" Cruelle shouted from downstairs. I roll my eyes as I calmly burn down the door. "What the hell are you doing?! This could scare her!" "Oh relax it's a controlled fire." peering into the room, (Y/N) is not here and there is rope leading to outside. "Maldita sea." "Yep with ya on that. SCAR! SHERE KHAN! She escaped outside!"
(Back to you, again)
I should've brought a jacket with me, it's freezing out here. Not even cabin is keeping me warm. But I can't leave now, they're out there searching. At the same time though, I might freeze to death. I slowly pass out, from both my adrenaline running out and general tiredness. I hear hard boots on the wooden floor, shit. A large coat was draped over my body as I was picked up. I feel the familiar cold robotic arm I was being carried by. I tried to to get out of his grip, but a snake staff was put in front of me. "You've caused enough trouble for now, sleep." And like that I was out like a light.
Since then, I've been forced to refer to these monsters as family. Crying myself to sleep over the now lost memories. I miss those empty halls, I miss my solitude, but most importantly, I miss my true mom and dad. These lunatics could never replace them, Never.
Oh lord I'm finally done! I kept getting writers block! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry that it's long.

Yandere! Platonic! Disney villains x Child! Reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now