Their true intentions

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Hades (POV)
I saw my little (Y/N) run away from me, damn it. She's a bit smarter then I thought. "Do you want us to go after her?" Pain asked. "No, I'll get her back myself" I have stalked her since she came to Greece,  her and I are exactly alike! I don't see any reason why she shouldn't stay with me. It's that 'family' she's tied down by, what lowlifes. They don't deserve her as much as I do. And it's my duty as a father to make sure she comes home, her true home. I'll just have to cut a couple weeds to ensure that though.

Maleficent (POV)
I didn't intend to keep her so soon already, but seeing her get lost and scared, it just breaks my poor heart. That whore that (Y/N) calls a 'mother' can never protect her as much as I can. (Y/N) only has to stay in that cell until I have a proper room ready for her. A mother must ensure the safety and happiness of her child above all else.

Ursula (POV)
The more I stalk (Y/N) the more I become obsessed. I'm glad she got away that night or else I would've never known just how much she needs me. Living with only a father in the home must be hell! I still have a back up voice to transform into a more human like form, I'll just have to seduce the father and (Y/N) will be mine!

Jafar (POV)
Little miss (Y/N) seems to get into lot of trouble, is the father even raising her? No he isn't. I don't want (Y/N) turning into Jasmine, I can't allow that to happen! How do I ensure that (Y/N) is in my care instead of that good for nothing father? Oh, I know just what to do.

Cruelle de Vil (POV)
Driving away from Anita's house empty handed hurt my pride. Those are the last puppies I need to complete my coat and I can't even have them. Worst of all, poor (Y/N) has to stay with that fool Roger! I can provide a much more happier and richer life for than anyone else. I'll have to have to tell Jasper and Horace to not only get every last puppy but to also bring (Y/N) at the same time. I can hope that they pull it off.

Dr. Facilier (POV)
I should've  answered the door to (Y/N), but I was in the middle of a deal with my friends. I had my shadow follow her around though, just to make sure she is safe. How dare that woman mock my talents! No one and I mean NO ONE can do what I do best. The child will grow up unhappy because she isn't allowed to believe in mystical talents and beings. So I'll have to step in and help (Y/N) before it's to late.

Yandere! Platonic! Disney villains x Child! Reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now