⚠️Epilogue [ACTUAL NSFW]⚠️ Pt. 1

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This is smut, you've been warned. It's just Mateo and Jasper diddling, nothing really important to the plot.

Disclaimer: I don't write NSFW often?? Like actual pp in the butt stuff, but I did for this cuz y'all are parched, dehydrated, thirsty, if I may. I had to read like, cheesy raunchy romance novels to get a basis on how to start. LMAO

Mateo waited for Jasper on the middle of the bed. Naked with only his thin gold chain on. And anticipating Jasper to come out of the bathroom with a condom in the same way.

He liked Jasper all neatly done in his suit and hair but he liked Jasper most when it was down and effortlessly messy. Just him as is.

He came out with his hair wet and undone, his boxer briefs still on and two shiny, black squares in his hand with a clear bottle of lube to accompany it. He set the items on the sheets and stood by the end of the bed by Mateo's feet. Shamelessly ogling the other's bare body with steady eyes.

"Baby, spread your legs"

Mateo's face erupted in red not expecting the soft, yet commanding tone. He shyly obeyed exposing his semi-erection. Turned on by the new pet name. He'd never called him that before.

"Come here"

Mateo shifted down closer but not close enough as Jasper needed. Jasper wrapped his large hands from under Mateo's muscular thighs, grasping his arms around them and pulled him closer to the edge so Mateo's legs were just hanging off.

He gave him a short and sweet peck on the lips to resolve his nerves. Jasper knew Mateo might not be ready to say it, he was his first boyfriend after all, but he loved him. He loved Mateo.

"If anything makes you uncomfortable, you're unsure, or you're scared, tell me and we'll stop. We can watch a movie or do something else" He kneeled on the floor so Mateo's hardness would be level to his head.

Mateo nodded, too nervous to speak.

"You can lay back for this part" He kissed the V-lines that made its way down to Mateo's lower region, the hair before his cock, hovering over him and then kissing the tender inner part of his legs.

His lips left a trail of moist circles behind and his hands massaged the heavy muscle under Mateo's quads. "Or you can watch"

Mateo shivered at the feeling of the droplets of cold lube coating Jasper's fingers dripping onto the his warm body. Jasper gave a small, innocent kiss on the head of his member as a sign he planned on finishing what he couldn't at Fabian's party. He expected no reaction but as his lips stayed on it, Mateo let out an adorable mewl.

Jasper coated the area with the lubricant, using more than Mateo thought they would. He pulled away, pressing the pads of his fingers at his entrance, "This will feel strange. But it'll pass. If you can't handle it, it's too much, let me know. It's okay. We'll put on a movie or do something else"

He nodded, his heart beating quickly and he started doubting if he prepared properly. Is he clean enough? He spent like forty minutes on that alone just in case. What if it hurts so bad he cant? Maybe he should've practiced. Have the girls he'd slept with felt this way?

"Hey" Jasper put his palm on his hip, "Relax. It's okay. Just focus on how your body feels. Respond to it. Focus on where I'm touching you and...how much I like being with you"

He blushed, it helped even though he was still nervous. Even if it hurt, he wanted to hold out for him. He inhaled, feeling the one digit penetrate the entrance and get sucked into him.

Jasper ran his hand over his legs as he moved, distracting him from the oddness of it. It wasn't bad at all.

"No pain?" He murmured quietly into his skin, brushing his lips all over him.

Mateo shook his head. It was only one.

Jasper sucked the sensitive spot of Mateo's leg where it connected to his body close by his cock and traced the area softly with his tongue. He wanted to leave a mark there. A place no one would see or know what was there except them. He'd walk around campus, around his room, friends and only they would know what he left on his body. Something to say 'mine' without having to say it.

He drew his mouth over the base of him and took him in just enough for his tongue to be able to flick the the tip. He was distracting him with pleasure everywhere else. He didn't want Mateo to feel any pain. None, if possible.

Mateo was trying not to look down at his boyfriend out of intimidation. But he did anyway. Jasper while sucking him off, met his eyes through his thick lashes and his gaze was unflinching. He gripped his thigh happy Mateo looked like he was enjoying him and put both of Mateo's legs over his shoulders.

Jasper took the view of Mateo's half-lidded eyes in adoration. He was too cute. He wanted to memorize every breath and every centimeter of his body. And he'd make sure they would do this enough times to retain a photographic memory of his boyfriend's favorite spots.

He inserted another digit feeling him loosen as his fingers fucked him a little faster. Mateo was trying so hard for him. Jasper didn't know how he held back for so long when he looked like this underneath his clothes. So vulnerable, with unmarked skin and pleading eyes. It made him throb.

Mateo grabbed the bedding under him starting to feel something stir in the center of my body.

He stretched him a little wider and Mateo covered his face when blood rushed to it from how euphoric the feeling was becoming.

Every few moments he'd look into Mateo's eyes, with every teasing prod, searching for something. Observing and making sure he was alright and how he'd react once Jasper found what he was looking for.

Mateo closed his eyes finding the eye contact unbearable now and making the power of his mouth feel much more intense.

He rubbed something, his prostate, and instantly arched upwards, involuntarily moaning. Mateo snatched the pillow next to him and masked his head ashamed.

"Uncover your face, Matty" He chuckled, letting go of his hard erection.

"That was embarrassing"

"It was sexy" He purred, thinking the complete opposite.

Then three fingers and Jasper sucked harder. His head coming up and down. It hurt a little more with another finger but the pleasure every where else drowned it.

Mateo gripped Jasper's head trying not to move so much and risk choking him. His breathing quickened and he held the pillow to his face as he moaned messily into it.

"Are you ready?" He suddenly stopped and Mateo's hips bucked up searching for him to suck him dry.

"Yeah, I'm-Im good I think"

Without him telling me to, Mateo sat up to turn and get on all fours but Jasper with his hand still wet from being inside Mateo pushed his chest back down, "Can we do it facing each other? I want to be able to see you. But if it makes you uncomfortable we don't have to" Jasper kissed his forehead "I'll do whatever you want, love"

Mateo blushed putting his hand over his in a soft squeeze, "O-okay" He was scared to say it but he loved Jasper. And after hearing him convey all these sweet and considerate things to him, he was losing patience. He wanted to get railed already. By the guy he was in love with.

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