35 - Cassius

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The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up at three in the afternoon. I put my pillow over my head forcing myself to bear the seconds until it stops. I don't want to talk to anyone. Not on a Saturday with no obligation to see people. My body tenses again when it rings a second time and I blindly reach for it hitting the power button twice to shut it up.

But it goes off again.

I close my eyes pissed and press the pillow over both sides of my ears to block out the abominable sound. I groan and check my phone as the attempted call finishes. I see one text from Oliver and Holden, a message from Drac, two texts and missed calls from Cas. I choose to go back to sleep but Cas calls me a second after I decided.

Sighing into the speaker I murmur a groggy, "Yeah?"

"Where've you been? I texted you this morning and then two hours ago, mate. Am I bothering you?"

I roll over closing my eyes and lazily answer, "Mm. Busy"

"Busy. Really? Because you sound gutted"

I yawn, not really dedicating myself into trying to successfully lie to Cassius, "On a tight schedule. I'm a busy man"

"Sure. Okay. I just wanted to ask if you've seen Jasper"

My stomach sinks at the mention of his name, "Why would I know that? Why don't you ask someone better?"

"I'm asking you. Have you?"


"Mateo. I'm serious here. He won't answer me. He missed band practice and a gig"

"A gig?"

"He's not much for texting ever but he's always on time. He missed a fucking gig"

"I...haven't. Haven't talked to him or seen him" I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I hear Cas move around wherever he is.

"What happened, Mateo?"

Confused, I take the tooth brush out of my mouth, "What do you mean?"

More shuffling and I get a knock on the door.

"Give me a sec, Cas" I finish and spit, rinsing my mouth so I don't open the door with foam all over me.

I anticipate my parents, brother or even Jasper out of fear but it's Cassius. He hangs up the call in front of me.

"How do you know where I live?"

He raises a brow and gestures towards Jasper's house and I internally facepalm at myself. Of course. He invites himself in, "Christ, it's bloody freezing out there. You should really shovel the driveway"

He takes his shoes off and lays on the smaller couch as if it were his house, "You got coffee, darling?"

"Cassius" I urge him gently so he can get to the point, leave and I can go back to boiling alive in misery.

He frowns, sitting up and putting his elbows on his knees, "What's going on between you two?"

"Between who?"

He rolls his eyes, "You and Jasper"

"Nothing. I don't know what you mean"

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