⚠️Epilogue [ACTUAL NSFW]⚠️ Pt. 2

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I hope Wattpad doesn't take this down. I hesitated so much to post this. I'm embarrassed 😭😭

Jasper stood up pulling down his boxer briefs and freeing his erection. He slipped Mateo's legs off his shoulders and gently pushed himself in. Mateo's entrance puckered and his insides seem to grip around his cock. It hurt a little more. He was bigger than just three fingers out together. Although, the feeling was not as bad as he'd imagined and endurable, but uncomfortably reminiscent to how Cas described it.

Jasper groaned the more his length was pulled in, "You're really tight"

"Is...is that bad?" He stifled. He looked back at Jasper's expression and his eyebrows were furrowed together, he was concentrated and lustful. He didn't want to go in too fast and tear something. He had to give the younger one time to adjust. It was extremely difficult when Mateo felt like he was clenching down on him and swallowing him whole.

Jasper smiled again, "As long as you're okay"

Jasper picked him up, dick still inside and carried him higher up the bed so he too could be on it.

He started slowly, in and out, in and out to ease into a quicker speed. All of him tasting Mateo's hot insides, from base to tip.

The pace wasnt enough. A euphoria built up from his stomach to Mateo's chest. His breathing was heavy and he was trying not to gasp so loudly, "Jasper. Go faster"

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you, Matty"

Mateo's head rose and he saw how his own hard and throbbing member moved as Jasper's pelvis slapped his bottom. He flushed hotly, searing his ears a bright red when he said, "I'm fine. Harder. P-please"

He swallowed holding back the urge to fuck Mateo until he was screaming and begging to cum. He hummed an okay, quickening his pace causing the bed to shake from every roll of his hips forwards and backwards. Mateo's arms were splayed on the bed grabbing onto the sheets, the mattress, the pillows, whatever he could brace. This was completely different than being on top.

Mateo reached shakily up with his left hand for the bed frame. He squeezed it tighter the harder Jasper drilled into him. Alternating sounds of wet clapping and skin-on-skin contact filled the room and even if Mateo could be absolutely quiet, the frame creaked.

Jasper watched Mateo's thighs bounce and his face twist as he was submitting to desire. He was filled with a sense of pride. He was making him feel good. He was his boyfriend.

"Does it feel good?" He slowed down his punishing strokes, running his hands down Mateo's side with one hand while the other slid lowly to firmly hold his bottom.

"Keep going" He murmured, reaching down to touch himself, a little impatient. A little desperate.

Jasper picked up his left leg, propping it over his shoulder and leaned down to plant his palms into the mattress and thrusted into him. Salty essence leaked down the Mateo's cock. He jerked himself off gradually and Jasper not wanting him to be satisfied so soon took both his wrists and held them down above his head instead.

"Matty, baby, not yet" He whispered into his ear. Jasper was not at all shy with his own grunts, groans and verbal affirmations from his throat.

His hips swung and sent gyrating waves of ecstasy into both of them. They were close. Mateo a little closer and less forbearing than Jasper after all the foreplay stimulation.

One more deep thrust into him, mercilessly hitting the bundle of nerves inside him, and Mateo came with his head tilted all the way back and a deathly grip on the sheets. The slower strokes that proceeded it prolonged the soul shaking orgasm. It was so fervent and heated that his name poured out of Mateo's lips, crying out:


He let go of his wrists and instead held Mateo's pelvis. Raising his lower body off the bed, he kept him in place and finished with three hard and deep jabs inside of Mateo.

Mateo had white knuckle fists, twitching relentlessly. He let them go to look down at his body. He'd cum all over himself, white strings of evidence in the crevice of his abs and still coming out of the tip of his length.

Jasper angled down, groaned into his neck in relief and pressed their bodies together. He didn't care if  there was cum on his stomach.

The sound resonated from his chest into Mateo's ear in a rumble. It's authentic and better than the first time he heard him make a similar sound.

Mateo's legs quivered ever so slightly from the after effects of the climax. He went limp on the bed too weak and tired to move. He had to catch his breath. Collect himself from the foreign experience and regain his energy.

"Um..." He sighed, "wow"

Jasper chuckled, laying on top of him for a minute before rolling onto his back, wiping his forehead and throwing the condom properly in the trash within a tissue. He laid beside Mateo and pulled him on top in an embrace.

"Does it normally feel this..." Mateo flushed deeply at how much of a virgin he sounded like, but it was his first time like this, "...intense?"

Jasper cupped his face, a look of pure satisfaction and complete love, "It always feels better when you do it with someone you love" He kissed his forehead. And then his cheek. His other cheek. His lips. His eyelids. His nose.

Mateo laughed at him and the over-the-moon glow on his face.

Jasper squeezed him in a warmly, "Was that good for you? Anything you didn't like?"

"Yeah. I-It was really good. Better than I thought it was going to be"

He raised a brow, amused, "Did you think my performance would be bad?"

Mateo buried his head in his collar, hiding his face, "No. I just thought It'd hurt too much. Or I'd disappoint. I feel like I didn't do enough"

"You're learning. It's okay. You did beautifully. There will be more opportunities for practice" Jasper ran his hand through Mateo's hair, kneading his scalp and let the other hand rest at the end of his spine, "If you saw what I did, you'd understand. You can't disappoint me. There's a full condom in your trash can if you don't believe me"

Mateo came out of his arms. He sat up propping himself up with his hands on Jasper's chest. He pressed Jasper's dick right between his ass, timidly grinding on him. "...c-can we go again then? For...practice?"

"I mean, we can be fast?" Mateo added, "My dad...won't be looking for me until later" He stuttered out. Mateo wanted to try a different position.

Jasper quickly inflamed with desire again, instantly reached for the second condom, sex beating reason. He gazed down Mateo's body, seeing him straddle him naked. Cum on his abdomen. He'd fantasized about this.

Mateo felt him harden underneath him. Jasper chuckled and pushed his hair out of the way, knowing they both felt it.

He wasn't going to say no.

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