8 - Half Baked Answers

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Translations of needed:
Baboso - literally means someone who drools a lot but is used like 'idiot'
Y - and
El bebesito de la casa - the little baby of the house
Ven con nosotros - come with us
Por favor - please
Bruja - witch
Bisabuela - great grandma
'mano - bro
Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr - water you don't plan on drinking leave it running (water in a river); it means don't mess with things you don't plan to commit to

When I get home from practice early I lug my two bags of 100 pound equipment combined out of the back and drag them on their wheels. Benicio comes out in his typical loud voice, "Mateo, hijo, come here"

He has his arms out for a hug but then wraps them around himself at seeing how cold it is outside. It's cold and it's been raining lately. Making muddy grass and soggy leaves that'll stick to the bottom of my shoes.

Jasper's behind him and the two of them watch as I tiredly set my gear down and ask, "What?"

They come out and pick my stuff up for me. But as I watch Jasper get up with my three-ball roller, I see keys in one of his hands. I notice something I've never seen before. A guitar pick with a small hole pierced into for it to became a keychain. They take my things into the living room. I murmur a thanks to both of them, collapse on the couch and cover my eyes with my arm, "Whatre you doing in my house?"

"I live here"

I groan and feel my eyes roll against my arm, "Not you, baboso"

Jasper chuckles a hardly audible laugh. My brother answers for him, "This Thanksgiving break I want to go on a road trip"

"What about thanksgiving? Isn't Ma doing something? Like a dinner?"

"No, mom doesn't want to have us cook anything. Ma y Pa are going to visit Tia Lucinda"

"What? And I have to stay home. Alone. Nice, Benicio"

"No, come with. That's why I'm telling you"

I want to. I don't mind spending time with my brother but if his girlfriend's there it'll be pointless besides being able to get out of the city. Our claustrophobic town.

"Can't. I have a tournament. Don't you guys?"

"No, we don't. We have the week off" He frowns, "Aw. I wanted mi hermanito to come. El bebesito de la casa"

He sits on the edge of the couch and clutches me into his chest roughly cradling me into his arms, "El bebe. The widdle baby. He'll be aw awone. Who's going to cuddle him in bed when it thunders at night?"

"You have to be cuddled at night?" Jasper asks, even with no inflection in his tone I know he's mocking me.

I shove my older brother off, "No. I sleep alone! I just hate when it storms. Flooding and shit"

He looks skeptical but doesn't care enough to ponder it.

"You guys can have fun. I'll stay at home and take care of the house"

"Nooo, ven con nosotros. Por favor. Please. Come with us and then we'll come back earlier in time for your tournament"

"Go on a trip for a few days to come back so I can make it to pack and go on Friday?"



"Mateo" Benicio picks up a pillow and throws it at my tired face, "You barely leave the house anymore"

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