1 - Toothache

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Bene is pronounced in a Spanish accent as "Beh-neh".
Y - means 'and' in Spanish
Llorón - Spanish for a person who cries a lot, a crybaby
Que - what, in Spanish
Déjanos en paz - Spanish for leave us in peace but causal equivalent of leave us alone

Jasper was a mystery. Mateo remembered when he was 6 and first moved into their house how distant the older boy looked to him when he met him and his dad next door. He had light transparent brown eyes. No vibrancy to them. Empty. Completely opposite from his father's.

Somehow Mateo's older brother, Benicio, made friends with him. Mateo liked to think it was because of the age difference that stopped the three from ever hanging out. His brother never let him play with them. Or even in middle school. But he also wouldn't admit that it could have to do with the way Jasper scared him. Jasper was quiet and looked indifferent to the world. Like he was hiding from it.

It wasn't until high school when their interactions steadily grew. They were far out and brief but they at least exchanged more than the same air.

Their families were close, so when they had birthday or graduation parties, they'd always celebrate together. Or when Mateo's parents had barbecues they'd invite his family over. Or when they needed something they always knocked on each other's door. But some of his favorite moments with Jasper in them was getting to watch him at track meets. He'd sit between his mom and Jasper's dad Cullen and listen as they called out different events. The last time he did that was his freshmen year of high school when Jasper was a senior. Colleges were scouting him and the school was bathing their successful students like Jasper with recognition.

Jasper was always praised. He was talented. Like running was his wings. He sometimes ran different events but was always put into long distance. His legs and arms functioned like a machine. Moving as if sheer will was all he needed.

But Mateo had plenty of memories spent with Jasper in them that he liked to carry with him.

Mateo was petulant. Their parents were a block down and they were entrusting Benicio to take care of his seven year old brother for a little bit. He kept fussing over pain in his mouth.

"Bene! Bene!" The little boy shook the knob unable to open the locked door. He was close to crying.

"Que, Mateo?! What do you want?!" Benicio called back annoyed he was interrupting his time with Jasper.

"Where's Mami?"

"She's outside. She's coming back with Papi! Leave me alone!"

Mateo stopped trying to calm himself down and went to the living room to look out the window. His palms were on the window sill. He had a clear view, yet still saw neither of his parents out there. He felt the tears build up again. He touched his loose tooth, minimal amount of hope left to figure out what was wrong with it. It hurt and he was scared it meant all his teeth would do the same. He ran back to his ten year old brother's room.

"Beneee!" The boy whined now pulling the knob, "Ma y Pa aren't outside. You lied!"

"Arrgh! Yes, they are. You just can't see them. They'll be back"

"Bene, my tooth hurts. I need Ma to help me. I don't know what's wrong!" His voice trembled. He pressed his forehead onto the door frustrated but quickly caving into despair. He tried again, violently tugging at the door knob hoping it'd swing open and he could confront his sibling. A single tear slipped down his cheek as his sweaty palms made him lose his grip and fall back on his bottom.

More wetness started streaming down his face as he said in a small voice, "Please Benicio"

He heard whispering before the door opened. He quickly rubbed his eyes with balled fists in a weak attempt to cover up his weeping. Hands came to remove his own and he saw a blurry Jasper.

"Stop crying" Jasper told him calmly. Mateo blinked back more tears.

"It's wiggling and it hurts. I think it's going to fall out" His vision blurred as he choked out, "What if they all fall out?"

The ten year old didn't change expression. He let the boy go and opened his mouth to show Mateo his missing second molar.

"Your teeth are going to fall out for better ones. They're going to be stronger than those ones. Just like mine are"

Mateo watched bewildered but then told him,"B-But it still hurts and I'm bleeding...I want it out!"

"They have to come out for the better ones. Let me see"

He shyly lifted his head bringing a small finger to show him the tooth. It was mostly hanging in his gums by the nerves.

"Do you want me to take it out?" He asked not wanting him to cry anymore than he has.

Mateo's voice wavered, recovering from his break down, "U-uh, but does it hurt...a lot?"

He angled his head, child eyes observing the tooth a little while longer before answering, "No. It's gonna hurt. But 'cause it's almost out it'll be fast"

Jasper poked the tooth causing the kid to jump. Mateo thought he would do it in that moment. But he left to wash his hands and grab a paper towel.

"Just let it be. Llorón. He's going to cry the second you pull it out. Even if it doesn't hurt him he'll cry" Benicio said loudly. His arms were crossed upset.

"No I wont!"

Jasper ignored his friend. He covered his index finger and thumb with the paper towel and held Mateo's tooth, "Be brave. This means you're getting older. Growing up like Benicio"

Did that mean he could hang out with them soon if he was older? He didn't question his reasoning and told Jasper, "I can do it"

"I'll count to three" Jasper steadied his hand, "One-ah"

He yanked it out with speed and grip. Mateo hissed in reaction and started bleeding. Jasper quickly used the paper towel to collect the blood.

"It's sore" He held back the accumulating pool of tears successfully hiding them away.

Jasper patted his head, "Good job. You didn't cry"

"I told you!" Mateo pointed at Benicio sniffling, but content with himself. Even if he sounded muffled with the paper towel taking up his mouth.

"Are you happy now? Déjanos en paz" Benicio faced Jasper, "Come on"

Jasper ignored him and told the younger boy, "Gimme your hands"

Mateo put both hands together and Jasper placed the small central incisor in them. He looked at in wonder. He took out the napkin and felt the gap in his mouth with his tongue.

He grinned widely revealing the hole in his smile and Jasper couldn't help but crack one himself.

Mateo could almost say he idolized Jasper. He was always a lot more mature than the rest of the kids his age. He was always there for him. In little ways. Distant little ways.

Which definitely explained his strange fixation on the older boy. He simply looked up to him. Twelve=ish years of living next door to a prized guy like him. Of course he was going to want to be around positive influences. Plus no matter how much it seemed like Jasper was within arms reach, he could never. He was the annoying little brother.

This was just him psychologically chasing after that idea.

Yeah. Definitely. No other reason.

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