34 - Crossing the Line

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I don't want to take anymore time so have a not as edited version of this chapter.

I did everything I could to avoid Benicio, even staying at school with my gear until it was time to go but I couldn't stay any longer after practice. Coming home, never knowing if both of them were already there, but then hearing the yelling as the proximity of steps shortened to my house made me want to turn back. I hadn't expected Jasper to talk to Benicio in awhile.

"—one job! Keep an eye on him when I can't. You don't fucking cross that line!" He's yelling from all the way in his room.

"I didn't go into this conspiring against you" Jasper says firmly, his voice not as raised as my brother's, "I didn't mean for it to happen"

"You let it happen!"

"Benicio." I come in angrily, not wanting to let my brother make Jasper apologize for being with me, "I'm a fucking adult! You've had this baby brother complex since I was born. Never letting me go anywhere with you because I was younger and now you turn it around and make it about babysitting me? We're grown as hell!"

"I was looking out for you. You hardly had friends in high school but–but I knew you weren't happy. I was trying to help you! If it wasn't for us" He points between the two of them, "You wouldn't even have met Cas, Hu—"

That comes out like a knife to my lungs, "Que jodido hiciste, Benicio?" My breathing was shallow and I lowered my voice. I glared at both at them, "you made me pity friends? Are you serious?"

"You ain't got no right to be mad, I was doing—"

"Shut up, Benicio." I growled out, this conversation already taking energy from me, "I was making friends. On my own. In my own way. You are not my dad to drag other people into this!"

"Oh, you're lucky I'm not youre dad. Fucking blessing that I'm not dad" He says almost threateningly.

My faces falters. My heart races at the mention of our dad. He wouldn't tell him right?

"Benicio" I snap, "You're not going to tell–"

"What, that you're gay? Y'know, I think this shit is my fault. Tell my best friend to watch over my brother, you who's suspicously NEVER had a real relationship, and you so easily find a way–"

That makes me flush embarrassed. I'm so frustrated. "I'm not g–"

"Por supuesto, porque el que besa hombres no es maricon! Shut the fuck up Mateo. That's exactly what I mean. If you're just going to say that kinda bullshit, let the adults speak"

Jasper can't argue with him. He hates fighting. Especially with Benicio. Even though I know he picked up what my brother just said.

"Benicio. He's not naive. This wasn't planned. Before any of this started we didn't spend time together."

"Jasper. I ain't ever brought it up" Whenever he's pissed he sounded more like our dad, "But whatever you did I respectfully turned a blind eye. You'd get hit on by girls. Turn 'em down. I knew about some of the dudes that'd try to come onto you. I knew you'd reject most of them but sometimes–sometimes it just didn't sit right with me you know? Like why didn't my best friend tell me? Who never showed any signs. Who had pieces in high school. Who never bothered to tell me? Be gay now?"

Jasper scowled, "That's not how that works, don't be a prick about it. I didn't owe you an explanation for who I am when you've never given me one"

"I'm not the gay one! You never did have a committed girlfriend. Was it because you were too busy grooming my little brother?"

Jasper instantly becomes livid. He steps forward but I get in my brother's face. "Benicio, choose your words wisely. You're comin off a lil homophobic and if that's where we're getting at te voy a destripar ahora mismo. You said you wouldn't care"

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