9 - In The Woods

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Benicio and Dima were sitting in the back mostly because they can't stand to be apart without taking pictures of each other, kissing, holding hands... My brother was a good boyfriend. But it was like watching a cheesy movie. It's nice but after awhile it's sickening.

Besides their romantic gestures in the back, it was early, really early in the day so the drive was mostly quiet.

We were in Jasper's dad's van. It's the only thing big enough to fit both our luggage and four college kids. I've only seen this van used maybe twice during the day all my life. It was old and an awful, vintage peach color but the inside was comfortable. The windows had mini brown curtains with patterns on them and the seats were soft. The rear-view mirror had a beaded necklace with a a foreign coin and picture of Jasper's dad Cullen when he was younger hung by a braided bracelet.

In the picture Cullen had longer hair, not too long but over grown. He was shirtless with tattoos over his left pectoral and his hip. He had a bandana on his forehead holding up a guitar and his shirt with a group of people making faces into the camera. One of them holding drumsticks. The picture had the name 'Sevrin's night' in marker at the bottom.

Sevrin was Cullen's first name, while Cullen was his middle. I knew the man had a musical background when he was younger but he hardly talked about the details. I only knew whatever I heard from my parents.

There's quiet music that's been on since Jasper turned on the car. It's rock. Maybe soft punk, I'm not sure.

"What's this?"

Jasper doesn't hear me. He's deep in his head but he comes out, "Hm?"

"Whats playing?"

"Tapes my dad leaves in his car. Music he listens to"

There are stickers of all kinds all over the inside of the van. Some are in a language I don't understand, from restaurants I've never heard of, places, bars, and venues. Even art galleries. There's one under the door lock. It's partly teared from someone attempting to peel it off. The van had history. It makes me realize maybe this is all the things Jasper doesn't talk about.

By the time we get there it's not even close to midday.

I sat on ground, dry and away from the water the rest were in. It's a little warmer here. And humid. It makes me take off my jacket and shirt.

I watch my brother laugh with his girlfriend. Jasper's the only one actually swimming. There's a little short wall of stacked rocks that pours water from the entrance of the body of water. He stands in front of it and gathers water in two hands to wash over his dry hair. It gets slicked back and water runs down his body. He has tan lines on his neck and shoulders from the track jersey. The muscles on his back move with the motions of his arms.

I feel myself swallow. He turns around and reveals the other muscle groups of his upper body. Jasper catches my gaze. I flinch like I was caught doing something I shouldn't have. My cheeks go red and I feel sweaty from the sudden heat. He ignores me and dives into the deeper water.

"Jasmine! Jas! Dude, get up here and jump" Benicio's standing on the rocks with Dima.

I scold my reckless brother, "Bene, be careful! Might be slippery!"

They both leap causing Jasper to get splashed. He wipes down his face swimming back to the rocks and climbs onto it. God. He's an idiot too.

He stands and all of him is exposed.

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