17 - The Chorus and the Convicts

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A more interesting chapter.
Stay safe.

It's really hot in here" I say since its cold as shit outside in comparison.

"You sure it's not just him?" Connor taunts with a handsome smirk, pointing to Jasper who's saying something to the singer that then makes the guy laugh, "Mmm, the finest guy in our piece of shit school"

Holden rolls his eyes, evidently annoyed, "Please, if your only standards are athletic asshole with a guitar"

Connor holds my back and touches my arm with his other hand. He smells like kush and nice cologne but the weed overtakes the pleasant smell, "I think Mateo would agree with me, too"

I flush a little and shake my head dismissing Connor. The way he openly expresses himself makes me a bit jealous. I can't help but think if maybe I was more like Connor, or any of these people that I could've been—it's a dumb notion, it wouldn't change anything, I conclude with myself.

"Hey guys" The dark skinned singer chuckles lightly into the microphone, "It's your favorite shitty band. Uh, so as you can tell by our fuckin, elegant attire. Tonight's theme is first love"

I feel the corner of my lips turn up at his energy knowing he's joking. He sounds collected, passive even when his movements give away his non-sobriety. There's light strumming and the guy keeps going, raising his voice a little more, "We're The Chorus and the Convicts. This one goes out to my first love. You wounded me deep Simon Stilinski! Ever since you broke my fuckin' heart in sixth grade" He leans back swaying to the build up of quiet strumming, "Since then I've never loved again!"

Jasper kicks him to make him cut to the chase, making the singer stumble a  bit but he laughs and mutters, "Fuck, I'm so drunk...hm, fuck you Simon. Stephanie was a downgrade, hope you're listening! It's called I Stole Simon Stilinski's Green Pen"

Their energy is contagious and I can barely recognize the Jasper on stage. They start with this original song and the guys voice floats beautifully up and down in range. It feels like college angst. Like they're having fun and making fun of themselves even when they probably put so much effort into practice and writing.

They sing covers and some unfamiliar music I'm assuming is theirs. Their music is similar to the indie, alternative and rock I heard in the van with Jasper. All of them look comfortable and excited in their own way to be here that how they twist the songs to either sound more punk, pop or spooky even just feels natural.

They're really good. Why was Jasper keeping this a secret? Does he wear the costume too to be less recognizable?

I'm so caught up in Jasper like I always fucking am that I angle my focus to take in the whole band. I want to know how they met and if they even go to our uni. It's a bit intimidating. They seem way too cool for me to even have a reason to talk to them. Then again, somehow how Jasper still talks to me.

Well, in the way he does where he doesn't want to.

In the moments I get to hear Jasper echo the chorus, his voice is deep and melodious. I want to hear him, all of his voice. I wonder if he ever gets to lead the singing. The way his face make up lights up, the way he likes being here, the way his muscles are shadowed by the lights, and the way he strums his guitar like he's done it enough time to the point he doesn't have to think about what he's doing anymore makes me more envious. Why would he want to hide this?

I feel a pull in my chest the more I look at him, so I making myself glance at Holden who's looking me with contemplation while a background of people, some in black light face paint, move around us.

I lean into his ear, "What?"

He just shakes his head, tugs on a smile and starts moving with me to the music with an energy no one should have this late into the night.

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