3 - Stone Eyes

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I don't know why I'm here. Unlike my brother I care about my scholarship. And even if collegiate sports can be more lenient than high school regulations I'd rather be as far away from any risk than to ruin it over some cheap beer and cheap one-night stands.

My brother has been 21 for a total of 2 months. It was legal for him but some of the people here: not legal. Some of the people here: not just ONLY smoking squares and drinking beer.

I had to come to take care of Benicio and drive him home.

I got there and was greeted by a few of my brother's friends: his girlfriend Dima, Drac, and Fabian. Jasper only gave me a look. Where he'd acknowledge me with his eyes. Whenever he came to these things, I never saw him enjoy himself. If he even felt joy. I've seen him with girls before, but I've never found out if he sleeps with them, if they're just handsy strangers or friends.

I greeted Drac and Fabian with a dap, a polite smile to Dima before she was engulfed by my brother's arms, and I awkwardly avoided looking too hard into Jasper's eyes.

Might turn to stone. You never know.

I looked for my friend Holden. He was a sophomore and my friend. But the kind of friend I only hang with at certain places. Like the friend you only see at the Student Council meetings. In the hall. Or some of the friends on the team you only talk to when you're at practice or at a tournament. Holden was my party friend, my hallway friend.

"Hey, didn't think you'd be here"

"My brother" I nod toward my sibling. He's already immersed himself into two drinks.

"Shoulda guessed. Figured you'd be DD. I'm not tonight but Lauren wants me to 'have fun' or whatever. It's disgusting"

I smile. Lauren was his older sister. Only by a year. She was the kind of girl most guys liked. And she was really friendly.

"How're the bowler boys treating you?"

"The guys are nice. Oliver's cool. But everyone calls each other by a wack ass nick name or last name. Not just regular nicknames like Mike for Michael. But like Butch, Torch, Kick, the only Asian dude on the team? Jackie Chan"

He raises an eyebrow, "...and he's okay with it"

I nod, "Controversial, but he came up with it. I swear they gotta carry around their birth certificates to even remember whatever the fuck their first name is"

It's two hours in and it's clear Holden and I want to go home. I've been gulping down cups and more cups of water and maybe spiked pink lemonade. We're sitting at the back yard table, away from the house. It's still noisy but we can hear each other. He has his calves over my thighs. We've been surviving with our long conversations.

"Do you think I should start weight training?" Holden asks, "College's been makin' me eat dude. I don't wanna peak yet"

"I think you're good as you are, dude. But come with me to the gym one day, if you want to" 

"Did you see the gym in the house?" He says suddenly. I shake my head, resting my wrist on his legs.

The house is pretty nice, I've been thinking. The couches inside looks expensive. It makes me feel bad for the parents that aren't here. Do they know there're horny bastards making out on their IKEA furniture? That there might be dank crumbs between the couch spaces? That their quality liquor was poured in the lemonade?

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