14 - Desire

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We finished in second. Anything past first in teams doesn't get recognized. It was unfortunate because we started off so well. We always start off so well. But eventually by game 5 and the last set of baker games on Day 2 we tanked. I managed to place 7th of the 120 competitors. Holden couldn't understand some of the terminology or why you have to hit the first two pins on either side and can't just throw the bowling ball head on and strike.

He was the loudest nonetheless.

Jasper, however, was still. He watched, carefully, as interested as he could ever look and made sure that every two games to check for placement. Now and then when I would double or turkey, he' give some sort of gesture of encouragement. Minuscule but more than enough from Jasper.

I should be sleeping but I liked to reflect what I did. Where I could improve, what changes I should have made and expected.

I also...kept remembering how long he stood on his feet to see me bowl. It made my heart press into my lungs. I wanted to see him again.

I peak through my blinds and like many other times he's outside. Except I watch as his friends help him. They put some equipment into the shed in his yard. Two of them wrap Jasper's arms around their shoulders and sit him on the stairs. Jasper limply raises a hand signaling them to leave and they do after one leaves a bottle of water next to him.

I wait for him to get up and inside once they leave but he lies there. It feels like forever even though it's just the needy part of me that wants to help him in any form I can. I contemplate my way out and figure leaving would be risky. I can't have Benicio know I stuck my nose in a place he doesnt want it to be.

I'll have to pull a Jasper. My room meets Jasper's but not equally it's slightly lower so...smaller fall? My concern for Jasper wins over my anxiety and I open the window quietly taking the net out after grabbing my house key. I place it on the floor and climb out. Diagonally is some roofing where a small room stuck out of my house, it was at level of the living room. I slowly lowered myself bending my left leg that sat on the window sill while the other reaches for the roofing. I safely managed to cling onto it unsteadily a few times. Now on the smaller area of roofing I had no other place to go. I'd have to jump.

It took me a count down but I leapt. A sharp shock coarsed through my right foot but I hissed and shook it away with a few painful steps. I opened my neighbors gate and entered. He saw me through hazy eyes.

"...Matty?" He grumbled. He was wearing red eyeshadow blended over his lids and around his eye. And maybe some red eyeliner? It made him look like a musician.

"Yeah, um, hey" I hope he's too drunk to notice how awkward I am, "Are you okay?"

He's sweaty. Or maybe just wet, I can't tell. I use my hand to brush back his the hair getting in his vision. I can tell that (unlike for me) the cooler hours of the night are helping him. It's already cold in the day but at night it was freezing. He's staring at me as I look over his figure. He murmurs annoyed, "Why....aren't you wearing a jacket? ....or some fucking gloves?"

He looks at my bare feet and then at me. Even half conscious he gives me an annoyed expression, "Where....are your shoes?"

He tries to take his leather jacket off, he grunts the word 'hot'. I help him take it off and he gives it to me. I smile putting it on.

"Give me your keys. You have to go inside"

He grunts again, against the idea. He wobbles onto his feet. I try to hold him up but he gets passed me and lays half on the ground and half on the porch wood steps.

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