20 - The Scarf

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y dejo limonada - and left limeade
te pasaste de verga - verga is a curse word that means dick but the phrase means you went overboard

After practice, I notice Jasper's car is gone but one I've only seen a few times takes its place. I walk through the door of my house. I expect to see Benicio since he should've been about 20 minutes ahead of me. Instead I see Tina, our cat, on the counter licking a plate that looks like Benicio's half finished food. I don't mind the fact that Benicio's 21-year old ancient piece of ass of a man left his shit out but that Tina, who's been kept at our grandma's house for days was finally home.

I drop my bags and scoop her up, earning a small squeak from her that quickly transforms into purring. She tries to climb on my shoulder and rubs her little head into my hair.

"Hey" Benicio says, probably coming from the shower seeing how wet his hair is.

"Why's Tina here?" I rub my face into her fur genuinely missing her chubby tummy. I feel a buzz in my pocket.

"Ma stopped by y dejo limonada and, you know, Tina. Grandma doesn't need her since they're both over there to keep her company" He says talking about our parents while aiming towards the fridge.

"God, does it have chia seeds in it?" I check my phone, clutching a clingy Tina in one arm. It's Connor.

He chuckles pulling the pitcher and a glass out, "Don't see the big deal. They have no flavor"

"It's not about the taste but they feel like fish eggs. Poor man's caviar" I mumble, not looking up at my older brother. The message tells me it was Cas who sent it and he wants to meet with me and the others. I'm too preoccupied wondering if Jasper's going to be there that I don't hear my brother ask me if I want to see a movie with him.


I jump making Tina dig her claws into my shirt and almost into my face, "Damn, Bene. Te pasaste de verga, coulda taken my eyes out"

"What're you so distracted about then?"

"Sorry, I'm going out today. I'll have to miss out on the Nicholas Cage"

"Since when do you have friends? Come on, Con Air? The Sorcerer's Apprentice? What's cooler than that shit?"

"I can list like three things at a funeral that are cooler than The Sorcerer's Apprentice"

He grumbles, disagreeing, "I wanted to hang out. Fine. Be safe"

"Ey, Mateo. Connor" Cas says holding a lighter in his crossed arms, "Can I bum a cig? Forgot my pack"

"I don't smoke" I tell him.

Cas laughs like it was obvious, "Right. I know, not old enough"

Connor throws a box from his pocket at him, "Considering I bum more than ciggy's from you, whatever you need, brother"

"You're a sports guy, aren't you? Jasper's just as uptight. Won't touch a pill, zoot, or nothin"

"He does drink though" Connor states adding to Cas's point. He's shaking his head a bit in disapproval, "I'm definitely not any better, but Jasper's gonna shit his liver out if he keeps it up"

"How do you know I play a sport?"

I watch Cas light the cig. He's got a handsomely carved face. It has smooth and round edges. Nice plump lips and long dreadlocks that are tied back behind him like a messy bouquet. He's wearing a familiar look scarf.

"Your brother" Cassius answers with eyes on the square in his hand before taking a drag. As he exhales he eyes me. He notices the gloves on my hand and then glances at Connor, "And, you know..."

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