4} Promise

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It's been three days since the Louis incident happened and I can't help but keep replaying it in my head. I've been avoiding Skylar for the past days as well, she's going to ask me tons of questions and I can't answer them right now when I don't even know the answers myself.

My parents aren't a great help either, they've never understood my feelings and when I try to explain, they get overdramatic and out of hand. So, like most days I've spent my time in my room listening to music.

But today I decided to eat out for lunch alone, so I grabbed my bike and pedaled to my destination. Soon, I arrived to my local restaurant and locked my bike. I step into the line and place my order of a broccoli-cheddar soup. While I'm waiting I look around and get lost in my many, many thoughts.

"You look familiar." A voice suddenly says next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

The glance of brown fluffy hair and the scent of cologne already gave me the idea of who it was, Louis.

"Yeah... I was your best friend," I manage to unsteadily say and with that, I grab my soup and leave, just like he did to me.

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey," He interrupts and touches my shoulder to hold me back, "I-I was just joking." He laughs like it was nothing and I set down my soup.

Now it was my turn to laugh, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

He gives me a blank stare. All the feelings I've been holding in for the longest time has finally had the courage to express itself.

"Joking? For the last four years, I've been thinking that you completely forgot about me, that you moved on, that I was just another memory. And you didn't even give me a second thought, but where I was actually hurt when you left. I-I thought you were my best friend.

But you? I actually believed that you felt the same exact way as I did for you before, but I was damn wrong when you exited out the X-Factor doors. You didn't even give me a wave goodbye. I... I thought you were just too busy, and I understood. But not talking to me for months straight is when I realized I was just another memory for you.

Ha, and you know what sucks? I actually had feelings for you, actual feelings. Oh my god, it crushed my heart! From day after day, I felt like shit because the most important person I cared about just walked out of my life like that! The pain, the sorrow, the loneliness got heavier and heavier from the past years. Hell, I thought that bird Kevin was a closer friend than I was to you! This year though, I was starting to recover and not cry ever single time I heard your name.

Then, you come into my life again, like nothing fucking happened! You just walked up to me like it was a joke. You can't do that to me, Lou. Maybe it was nothing to you, but to me it felt like the world was gone without you. I just-ugh!"

My throat hurts and tears streamed down my face, yet again. I see I have started a scene and made Louis the spotlight but I didn't get to see what happened. Because for the second time this week, I ran away from Louis.



Every word she spoke began to sink into my skin. It hurt to know that I was the one who made her feel that way for four years straight. I never meant for her to go through that pain, it may look like I ignored her but it wasn't my choice... I never wanted her out of my life.

Jessica already hurled out the door, leaving me with a crowd of people staring at me. I couldn't let her go again so I ran out of the door as well to catch up. She wasn't that far, thank god she took her bike.

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