30} What If

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"We will be landing momentarily. So please fasten your seatbelt and turn off any electronic devises." The speakers softly say above us.

I try my best to stretch in my seat, which was quite uncomfortable, but there was nothing else I could do.

Turning my lazy eyes to Skylar who is fast asleep beside me, I realize she didn't hear the pilot. Her head is resting against the seat, which was probably going to give her an aching neck cramp afterwards. But before waking her up, I had to do something every best friend does.

I took my phone out and clicked onto the camera. And of course, I squished my face next to her and took some selfies. They were absolutely adorable, as I was smiling and silently laughing while her unconscious body was vastly asleep.

My phone slipped back into my pocket and quickly I posted one of the selfies on Twitter. I know she'll see and probably hack my Twitter just to delete it, but it's moment like these I'm glad to catch her like this.

I pull one of her earphones out from when she was watching Fifty Shades of Grey, as she claimed it would 'pass the time away'.

"Sky," I whisper, "Skybird, wake up."

She groans and turns her shoulder to me.

"Wake the fuck up," I whisper more loudly, "We're landing."

She sits up with her eyes vaguely open, "Already?"

"Yea, so buckle up and turn off your phone before any of the flight attendants yell at us... again." I say and turn off my phone as well.

"Okay, okay." She mutters and gathers her belongings, shoving them in her purse.

I take a deep breath and sit back in my seat. I can't believe we're hear, my mind is numb from all the anxiousness and excitement I've been thinking about for the past hours.

Thinking and overthinking is all I've been doing - other than listen to music and sleep.

Is Louis going to be excited when he sees me? Did I make the right choice? What if I'm just going to be a bother to the boys? How will I feel when I see them again?

So many questions and doubts, but no answers. Although, the only thing going through my mind is this massive butt cramp I've been dealing with halfway through the flight.

"Damn, I have to use the bathroom." Skylar mumbles.

"Same," I agree with her.

I look out the window - which I fought over with Skylar so I could get the window seat - and stare down at the city.

From all the fan accounts and research, the boys' next concert is in Seattle, Washington. I've never been to America, but I think Washington is where Mount Everest is, so that'll be something to see while I'm here.

"Make sure your seats are securely fastened and all electronics are off. We're about to land." The speakers turn off and I turn to the window again

I could feel the plane lower down to the ground, which gives my head and insides a funny feeling. I don't really enjoy the feeling, but I love the view as we land onto the runway.

Only a few minutes later, I - along with ever other passenger here - felt a slight bump following a smooth ride as I could see we're literally on ground now. I feel so excited, I've never traveled this far before and I'm closer to meeting Louis.

"Okay, folks, we have just landed safe and sound. Please stay fastened in your seats until we are ready to depart. And welcome to Seattle, Washington everybody!" The pilot speaks, for the last time.

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