23} Unexpected Turns

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"Wait, so you slept with him?" Skylar freaks.

"What, no!" I say in disbelief, "No, we didn't do anything. We were just watching a movie and fell asleep afterwards!"

Skylar gives me a look, "Mhmm, and did you enjoy it?"

I blush, "What - psh, no." I lie.

She sees through my lie, "Jess, you can't hide it from me."

I sigh, "I know, I mean, I guess I did like it but I don't want to admit it."

"You just did, though." She points out.

"Shit, I did." I curse under my breath.

"Let me get this clear, you spent the entire day with Louis and enjoyed it?"

I blush but don't answer.

"Jessica, it's fine. If you honestly liked it, then tell me - don't hide your feelings."

I sigh even louder, "Yea, I-I think I liked it."

I brace myself for Skylar to scream at me, telling I'm crazy for even spending time with Louis. But surprisingly, she squeals excitedly like she saw Theo James.

"Ahh! Jessica!" Skyalr exclaims happily.

I give her a very confused expression, "What?"

She sighs in relief, "Nothing, sorry. I'm just happy because now my OTP is coming back."

I roll my eyes, "Don't get your hopes up - I doubt anything will happen after that."

She pouts, "Whatever. I still have hope."


I push my mash potatoes around my plate and nibble on some chicken. The utensils around me are clanking against the plates while everyone else digs into their dinner. I look up to see my parents and Skylar eating silently as I just stare off and think.

"Jess, are you gonna eat your potatoes?" Skylar asks me.

I shake my head, "Nah," and scoop my potatoes onto her plate.

"What's the matter?" My dad says.

I sit up straighter, "Nothing, just tired."

My parents continue eating but Skylar knows better - she gives me worried eyes but I shrug, indicating that it's not a big deal. And it isn't . I honestly don't know what I'm a little depressed right now, I just feel... ugh.

Suddenly, I feel a vibration on the bottom of my bum from my phone. Excusing myself from dinner, I walk into the hallway and realize that its a text, a very unexpected one.

It's from Louis.

Hey, I was wondering if...

I couldn't see the rest of my text since I was on my lock screen, so I quickly unlock my phone and go to my messages.

Hey, I was wondering if you can make it to my house next week at 2pm for my birthday gathering. I know it's on Christmas Eve but please? It would be really nice if you came :)

I freeze. I don't know what to reply next - my mind says I shouldn't go but the rest of me is already out the door to buy him a birthday present.

So, I don't reply.

"Jess, whatcha doin'?" Skylar asks and comes by my side.

I show her my phone since that's all that needs to be said.

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