36} Journey to Fantasy

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"This can't be happening." Was the only thing I could choke out of my mouth.

The absence of the missing vehicle is making my chest heavier and heavier, and anxiety is creeping up on me like there's no tomorrow. I repeatedly blink over and over again, hoping that somehow it would appear in front of me like a huge prank. But no, it's still emptiness where my hard work should've been.

"Where's the car?" Skylar asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know."

"Well, why is it gone?" She asks again.

"I don't know."

She furrows her eyebrows, "Do you know where you put it last?"

I turn to look at her, "Gee, maybe I put the damn car in my pocket by mistake. Yea, definitely, thanks for the dandy help, Sky."

"That was sarcasm, wasn't it?"

I rub my forehead in frustration, "Yes it was, good job, Sky."

"Sorry." She mutters.

My mind is still racing as I pace back and forth. This isn't that big of a deal. I mean, people lose cars all the time, right? The worst case scenario, I can just rent a bus for them instead. No big deal, this is a normal, everyday problem. Yea.

Shut up, Jessica. This is a massive problem and you know it. Your bosses will be furious and blame the missing 1D Mobile on you. Causing you to loose your job, showing it on your permanent record, not to mention the expenses to pay for the stupid car, too. Seriously, how can you lose a-

"Jess, look, there's a note." Skylar's voice rings in my mind.


"There's a note. See?" She points to the yellow sticky note above the light switch and waits for my response.

I didn't think I could be any more confused, but I just did. My feet do that awkward shuffle/jog over to where Skylar and the Post-it note is. "What does it say?"

"I don't know, but it's a poem that looks like it could help. Or a riddle. I don't know, it's mysterious and clue-like, you know, so I kinda just... yea, just read it."

I take the sticky note off the wall and hold it in my hands. It's handwritten, so if worse comes to worse, then we could just head down to the authorities and track down the culprit. But before I get ahead of myself, I need to read it.

To find your car,

You must travel all the way to where the sun is always bright

Where they say its for the royals and free-spirits

And adventures start to begin

and home to many nature loving friends, too.

Not only will you find what you're missing,

but hopefully, you'll be surprised with something...

something that you've been missing for quite a while,

and maybe turn it back to the way things used to be.

I read it over a million times, letting the words sink in, trying to make sense of any of it. I've never been good with poems - or riddles, or anything like this. But whoever wrote this wants to meet up with us at an unexplained location.

I don't get the point with poems. They tell you, but they don't tell you at the same time. It's frustrating, just write down what you want to say and avoid the hassle. This poem, or whatnot, doesn't even rhyme. Nonetheless, that doesn't discourage me to find out where my car went. Plus, the location sounds pretty fancy.

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