11} Eleanor

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There's always these little things somebody does, and somehow you know what their thinking.

Well, that's all I've been doing for the past hour.

I've been on the couch while reading my book and Louis has walked by numerous times. Although, he wasn't just walking─he was pacing back and forth, from room to room nonstop. He barely looked up from the ground as he passed by, he just kept silently walking with his hands together.

I know something's bugging him, he always acts this way whenever he's aggravated. But this time, I don't know what's specifically wrong.

Another thing I've learned from Louis is that he seems more peaceful with a cup of tea, so I brew up a cup of green tea for both Louis and I. He's not always the person to open up and talk about his feelings, but it's worth a shot. I hate seeing him so lost and worried because he doesn't deserve that...

"Hey," I softly say as he walks around the kitchen, "Come and sit with me for a bit."

He hesitates and has a debate in his head, but takes a seat next to me anyways. As he steps closer, I notice his tired eyes and worried face.

With the drink, Louis sits next to me without a word. We both stare at our tea, swirling the liquid around with the spoon to think about what we're going to say to each other. Louis keeps pretending to be busy with his tea, but I know he just doesn't want to talk. I can't blame him, I do the same... But for me, I have a way on making him talk.

In my case, I hate it when people pester me whenever I'm upset. So instead, I gave Louis some space and started to talk about different subjects, to take his mind off of things.

"What's the meaning of life?" I whisper in thought.


"I mean, is it true that each of us actually have a duty to fulfill in life?" I try to keep the conversation going, even though it's just me talking. "Like, maybe this is just normal. Maybe there's other planets out there that are thinking the same thing but in the end, we'll all end up in the same place. Does that make sense?"

Louis slightly chuckles which is a mini a victory and progress. I know this is a weird conversation but this is just the right subject to kind of take Louis' mind off things while making him laugh in the process.

"And when we die, do we like fully die or is there another life waiting for us?" I continue.

Louis pauses, "I know whatcha mean, that's why I always live my life to the fullest...or at least I try to."

I give myself a mental pat on the back for getting Louis to talk. Hopefully, I got him to the point where he's comfortable enough to talk about what's going on.

I stay quiet for a minute, trying to pick out my words, "But Louis, what's the matter? You know that I'm here for you, so why don't you tell me?"

He sighs, long and deep. "Because it's something that has to do with you."

"Ok, what is it?" I say a little quieter, worried and anxious of what he's going to say.

"Uh... Well, this Saturday I'm going to have to hang out with Eleanor for lunch... A-And she wants to meet you." He carefully says, watching my reaction.

"Oh." Is all I could manage to say.

For the past few weeks, I knew that I was going to have to meet Eleanor at some point. Louis and I have been dating for weeks now, maybe even a month...but either way, it feels so sudden to me. There's a part of me that's honestly excited to meet Eleanor, but another part just wants to hide in a corner and avoid this completely.

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