29} Our Dream Jobs

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A/N: the video/pic ^^ is sorta used later in the chapter lol.. and italics are past, just reminding you haha ok.. enjoy! :)

My neck aches from the position its in as I lay my chin into the pillow and look up to see my computer screen. I continue to scroll down and scan websites that I've been staring at for the past three hours.

From all the websites I've visited, I know one thing for sure - I want a fucking trampoline.

I don't know how I got to it, but the more I learn and see about the massive trampolines, the more I want it. Plus, it would be perfect in my backyard.

But the downside is, it's way out of my budget. And I guess dreaming about it isn't going to help, but I'm not gonna stop.

Suddenly, my door bursts open - literally scaring my insides out.

"Jess, what are you doing? I called you a million times." Louis says as he walks in.

I rub my eyes, "Sorry. I was just busy."

"Busy looking at... trampolines?"

I sit up and stretch, "Maybe."

"Didn't know trampolines were that fascinating." He tells me, and strolls around my room.

"Yea, it's pretty coo-AGH!" I exclaim and scrunch into a human ball.

"What?" He asks, lost on why I bursted out like that.

"The light, it burns!" I scream from under my bed sheets.

He chuckles, "Since when was my best friend a vampire?"

"Since you opened that window." I moan, and crawl away from my sheets.

"What were you looking at?" He asks, ignoring my last statement.

"Trampolines." I answered, "The more I keep looking at 'em, the more I want them."

He chuckles, "Trampolines? Why?"

"Why not?" I ask like it's obvious.

He takes a seat beside me and looks at my computer screen with me, "How will you ever be able to pay for this?"

"I know right." I rest my head on the pillow.

"Well, why don't we get a job? We're old enough and don't have anything better to do, so why not?"

I think about it, "But... I don't want to get up."

He cracks up, "Let's go, you lazy butt."

I groan into my bed, "Okay, get out. I'm gonna change."

He exits out my room and leaves me be.

Not really thinking about it, I grab some skinny jeans and a loose blouse to go with it. I apply some light mascara and foundation, and nothing more. Not knowing what to do with my hair, I decide to comb it and leave it down until I choose to do something else with it.

In the middle of brushing my hair, Louis walks in without any acknowledgement.

"Thanks for knocking." I say sarcastically.

"Welcome." He says while eating some watermelon from the fridge.

As I continue to get all the knots out of my hair, in the reflection of the mirror, I could see Louis staring at me.

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