31} The American Experience

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The hallway was dead silent, only filled with the rhythm of the air conditioning and tension in the air. Nobody said anything, but I knew that the boys and I felt beyond uncomfortable.

To my surprise, Skylar didn't run after Jessica like I thought she would. Instead, she stayed in her exact spot, with her mouth slightly open and her eyes looking disappointed. I don't blame her, I feel like complete shit from what I did.

Skylar shifts, "What was that for?"

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

Liam sighs, "Sorry, now just isn't a good time."

Skylar crosses her arms, "It doesn't change the fact that you guys snapped at us like that."

"Look, Sky," Harry says, "We're sorry, okay? It's just, we just got back from doing a show and got some shit from the management, so we aren't the happiest campers at the moment."

Skylar rolls her eyes, "Okay, whatever. We'll just get out of your way. Sorry for causing you even more trouble." She apologizes, with the slightest hint of sarcasm in her voice.

With the last word, she turns on her heels and walks out. Suddenly, the atmosphere is filled with regret for me and the lads.

I sigh, thinking over this entire situation. It was our fault, the girls just wanted to see us and we were nothing but assholes to them. And no matter how much they neglect it, we missed the girls like crazy. I have to admit, when I saw Jessica again, my heart felt like it was restored.

"Come on lads, let's fix this." I say, the first one to speak since Skylar left.

"Louis, we can't. They're waiting for in the bus. We have to go." Liam counters.

I groan, sometimes there are some serious downsides to my job.

"The-then, I guess we have to go." I choke out, breaking my heart as I speak.

I hated to see Jessica upset, especially now, since I was part of what caused it. Now, she's crying because of me. It kills me inside to think that she feels this way, and I can't do anything about it right now.

"Sorry, mate." Niall comes over to me and slings an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah," I breath out, "Me too."




I sit here quietly, completely broken and hurt. My shirt is soaked and I could feel my make up running down my face. At some point, I stopped crying, but mostly because I ran out of tears.

And when you leave me alone for a while, I always overthink - it's just a habit I can't get rid of.

I realized how dramatic my life is. That I cry a lot. That maybe Louis doesn't need me as much as I need him. And that I desperately need to use the bathroom.

Can I take a vacation from life, please?

"Jessica? Where are you?" Skylar's voice echoes through the halls.

"Over here," my stifled voice croaks out.

"There you are." Skylar sits beside me. "Aw, babe, don't cry. There's nothing to cry over, boys are just confusing douchebags."

I let out a laugh, "Hey, they were probably stressed out. Give them a break."

She laughs with me, "What the fuck, your too nice, Jess. They made you cry and now your defending them?"

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