6} More Than Friends

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He kissed me.

The feeling was sensational. It was like Louis and I were the only people in the world. Our lips were in sync, filling me with a warm, giggly feeling inside. All my problems washed away and it was like I was in my safe haven. In Louis' arms, I know I was loved. I know I was wanted and desired. And I couldn't ask for anything more.

His lips brushed across mine while I tilted my head. My arms tightened around his neck, pulling him closer. With that, he wrapped his arms around my waist, engulfing me even more. I swear I could stay like this forever. My hands got tangled in his soft hair, not letting go of our embrace. He gracefully placed his hand on my jawline with one arm still around me. There was no space between us, yet we felt completely comfortable.

Before, I thought people were over exaggerating about first kisses and romance. But now, I realize that the experience is just as hear-fluttering as they say it is, maybe even more.

But we pulled away too soon and I was already missing his soft lips. I stared into Louis' beautiful, blue eyes and I could see how happy he is right now. His eyes squint up like they always do when he's truly smiling and the sight made me smile as cheeky as possible. I started laughing at how adorable he was being and that made him laugh too, soon we were a laughing mess... And I loved it.

"We're so weird." I breathe out between my giggles.

"You say that like its a bad thing." He says and stares at me, not saying anything but just simply looking.

"What?" I say and realize I'm still in my pajamas and ratchet hair, "Oh god, heh. I forgot," I try to fix my appearance the best I could, but Louis grabs my hands and stops me.

"No, love. It's not that, it's just... You don't know how happy I am to have you in my life again. I-I can barely put it into words on how much you mean to me, oh my god. And I promise you won't regret this, ok?" Louis rants, "I will always be with you and we'll get ice cream together and watch football and did you know that the new Spider-Man movie is out? I tried to get the boys to go and see it with me but they're not really into Spidey which-"

I placed my lips onto his and kissed him sweetly. Even this simple kiss sent shivers down my spine.

"That was a nice way of telling me to shut up." He says and pecks my lips again.

I chuckle, "What? I love listening to you go on about Spider-Man for hours and hours, Lou." I say sarcastically.

His arms pull me towards him, "Well good, because either way your going to see that movie."

"Ok, but you have to see Pitch Perfect 2 with me then."

"Deal! I love Fat Amy." He admits.

"'I'm gonna pitch-slap you so hard that your man boobs are gonna concave.'" I quote one of her lines which makes Louis and me crack up.

He sighs and plays with our hands together, "But seriously, thank you for forgiving me. I don't think I could ever live without you."

That makes my heart swell up, "Aw Lou, I couldn't live without you either. And besides, it's not your fault that you left, it was the fucking management."

"But I can't help think that it was all my fault. I just never want you to go through that neglected feeling."

"Louis, every word you've said to me since you got here made me the happiest girl in the world. Right now, you have me and I have you, so everything has fallen back into place." I state happily.

"Oh yea, uhm speaking of that, what are we now? I mean, I'm not good at relationships, but I'm pretty sure friends don't kiss each other."

"Your right, they don't. Are we more than friends?" I ask with all the hope in my heart.

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